Publikationen von PPN Ayutthaya

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Lundberg, D.; de Pedro Jové, R.; Ayutthaya, P.; Karasov, T.; Shalev, O.; Poersch, K.; Ding, W.; Bollmann-Giolai, A.; Bezrukov, I.; Weigel, D.: Contrasting patterns of microbial dominance in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (52), e2211881119 (2022)
Shalev, O.; Karasov, T.; Lundberg, D.; Ashkenazy, H.; Ayutthaya, P.; Weigel, D.: Commensal Pseudomonas strains facilitate protective response against pathogens in the host plant. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (4), S. 383 - 396 (2022)
Lundberg, D.; Ayutthaya, P.; Strauß, A.; Shirsekar, G.; Lo, W.-S.; Lahaye, T.; Weigel, D.: Host-associated microbe PCR (hamPCR) enables convenient measurement of both microbial load and community composition. eLife 10, e66186 (2021)
Charoenwongpaiboon, T.; Punnatin, P.; Klaewkla, M.; Ayutthaya, P.; Wangpaiboon, K.; Chunsrivirot, S.; Field, R.; Pichyangkura, R.: Conserved Calcium-Binding Residues at the Ca-I Site Involved in Fructooligosaccharide Synthesis by Lactobacillus reuteri 121 Inulosucrase. ACS Omega 5 (43), S. 28001 - 28011 (2020)
Na Ayutthaya, P.; Lundberg, D.; Weigel, D.; Li, L.: Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) for the Analysis of Protein Oligomers in Plants. Current Protocols in Plant Biology 5 (2), e20107 (2020)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Lundberg, D.; Ayutthaya, P.; Strauß, A.; Shirsekar, G.; Lo, W.-S.; Lahaye, T.; Weigel, D.: Host-associated microbe PCR (hamPCR): accessing new biology through convenient measurement of both microbial load and community composition. In 1st International Student Conference on Biotechnology and Life Science (INSCOBIOL), S. 9. 1st International Student Conference on Biotechnology and Life Science (INSCOBIOL), Surabaya, Indonesia, 21. Juni 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Lundberg, D.; de Pedro Jové, R.; Na Ayutthaya, P.; Karasov, T.; Shalev Skriptchak, O.; Poersch, K.; Weigel, D.: Contrasting colonization and host range of Sphingomonas and Pseudomonas in wild Arabidopsis thaliana and neighboring plants. In Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (10 Supplement), S. 234. XVIII Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI 2019), Glasgow, UK, 14. Juli 2019 - 18. Juli 2019. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, USA (2019)

Poster (1)

Lundberg, D.; de Pedro Jové, R.; Na Ayutthaya, P.; Liesecke, F.; Mehmetoglu Boz, E.; Barajas, H.; Weigel, D.: The elephant in the plant: let's talk about a lesser known 'omonas. Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI 2023), Providence, RI, USA (2024)

Preprint (2)

Lundberg, D.; Kersten, S.; Mehmetoğlu, E.; Ayutthaya, P.; Zhu, W.; Poersch, K.; Yuan, W.; Swartz, S.; Müller, D.; Bezrukov, I. et al.; HARVEST TEAM; Weigel, D.: Field conditions greatly modify a major growth-defense tradeoff in Arabidopsis thaliana. (eingereicht)
Pankaew, S.; Na Ayutthaya, P.: Single-cell transcriptome reveals a testis-specific expression profile of TCEA in human spermatogenesis. (eingereicht)
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