Lars Angenent
Zeitschriftenartikel (22)
278, 123365 (2025)
Lactate production from lactose-rich wastewater: A comparative study on reactor configurations to maximize conversion rates and efficiencies. Water Research 2.
42 (12), S. 1691 - 1714 (2024)
Power-to-Vitamins: Producing Folate (Vitamin B9) from Renewable Electric Power and CO2 with a Microbial Protein System. Trends in Biotechnology 3.
8, 1429171 (2024)
Deployment of power-to-protein technology in Ethiopia to provide drought-related emergency relief and mitigate food insecurity. Frontiers in sustainable food systems 4.
9 (8), e0041624 (2024)
Variability in n-caprylate and n-caproate producing microbiomes in reactors with in-line product extraction. mSystems 5.
13 (6), e0093523 (2024)
Draft genome sequence of Magnusiomyces sp. LA-1 isolated from a C6-C8 acid-producing bioreactor. Microbiology Resource Announcements 6.
400, 130673 (2024)
Microaeration promotes volatile siloxanes conversion to methane and simpler monomeric products. Bioresource Technology 7.
11 (1), 47 (2024)
Anaerobic digestion of process water from hydrothermal treatment processes: a review of inhibitors and detoxification approaches. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 8.
250, 121045 (2024)
Exclusive D-lactate-isomer production during a reactor-microbiome conversion of lactose-rich waste by controlling pH and temperature. Water Research 9.
54 (1), S. 68 - 94 (2024)
Protecting human health and the environment against siloxanes: The role and effectiveness of wastewater treatment technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 10.
26 (10), 108016 (2023)
An integrated systems-biology approach reveals differences in formate metabolism in the genus Methanothermobacter. iScience 11.
89 (7), e0057523 (2023)
The Targeted Deletion of Genes Responsible for Expression of the Mth60 Fimbriae Leads to Loss of Cell-Cell Connections in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 12.
1, S. 972 - 986 (2023)
Carbon oxidation with sacrificial anodes to inhibit O2 evolution in membrane-less bioelectrochemical systems for microbial electrosynthesis. EES Catalysis 13.
80, 102889 (2023)
Editorial overview: The future of food biotechnology is microbial. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14.
369, 128387 (2023)
Acetate augmentation boosts the ethanol production rate and specificity by Clostridium ljungdahlii during gas fermentation with pure carbon monoxide. Bioresource Technology 15.
13, 887578 (2022)
Genetic evidence reveals the indispensable role of the rseC gene for autotrophy and the importance of a functional electron balance for nitrate reduction in Clostridium ljungdahlii. Frontiers in Microbiology 16.
12 (6), e0276621 (2021)
A Shuttle-Vector System Allows Heterologous Gene Expression in the Thermophilic Methanogen Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH. mBio 17.
16 (9), e0230700 (2021)
The short-term effect of residential home energy retrofits on indoor air quality and microbial exposure: A case-control study. PLoS One 18.
11, 33584563 (2021)
The Isolate Caproiciproducens sp. 7D4C2 Produces n-Caproate at Mildly Acidic Conditions From Hexoses: Genome and rBOX Comparison With Related Strains and Chain-Elongating Bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 19.
9 (8), S. 2162 - 2171 (2020)
Reprogramming Acetogenic Bacteria with CRISPR-Targeted Base Editing via Deamination. ACS Synthetic Biology 20.
4 (6), S. 1142 - 1147 (2020)
Power-to-Protein: Carbon Fixation with Renewable Electric Power to Feed the World. Joule