Publikationen von G Eberhardt

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Dardiry, M.; Eberhardt, G.; Witte, H.; Rödelsperger, C.; Lightfoot, J.; Sommer, R.: Divergent combinations of cis-regulatory elements control the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. PLoS Biology 21 (8), e3002270 (2023)
Lo, W.-S.; Roca, M.; Dardiry, M.; Mackie, M.; Eberhardt, G.; Witte, H.; Hong, R.; Sommer, R.; Lightfoot, J.: Evolution and Diversity of TGF-β Pathways are Linked with Novel Developmental and Behavioral Traits. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (12), msac252 (2022)
Lightfoot, J.; Dardiry, M.; Kalirad, A.; Giaimo, S.; Eberhardt, G.; Witte, H.; Wilecki, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Traulsen, A.; Sommer, R.: Sex or cannibalism: Polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes. Science Advances 7 (35), eabg8042 (2021)
Athanasouli, M.; Witte, H.; Weiler, C.; Loschko, T.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Comparative genomics and community curation further improve gene annotations in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. BMC Genomics 21 (1), 708 (2020)
Prabh, N.; Roeseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in Pristionchus nematodes. Genome Research 28 (11), S. 1664 - 1674 (2018)
Rödelsperger, C.; Neher, R.; Weller, A.; Eberhardt, G.; Witte, H.; Mayer, W.; Dieterich, C.; Sommer, R.: Characterization of genetic diversity in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus from population-scale resequencing data. Genetics 196 (4), S. 1153 - 1165 (2014)
Weller, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Eberhardt, G.; Molnar, R.; Sommer, R.: Opposing forces of A/T-biased mutations and G/C-biased gene conversions shape the genome of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. Genetics 196 (4), S. 1145 - 1152 (2014)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Dardiry, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.: Dissecting the genetic architecture underlying mouth dimorphism in Pristionchus pacificus identifies cis-regulatory variation in a supergene locus. In 23rd International C. Elegans Conference, 437B, S. 178. 23rd International C. Elegans Conference, 21. Juni 2021 - 24. Juni 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Prabh, N.; Roeseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in Pristionchus nematodes. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 164M, S. 66. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)

Poster (3)

Sharma, D.; Witte, H.; Röseler, W.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.: Conservation of miR-100 and the let-7-complex locus in the nematodes Pristionchus pacificus and Caenorhabditis elegans. 17th Microsymposium on RNA Biology, Wien, Austria (2023)
Dardiry, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.: Dissecting the genetic architecture underlying mouth dimorphism in Pristionchus pacificus identifies cis-regulatory variation in a supergene locus. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting 2022, Denver, CO, USA (2022)
Prabh, N.; Röseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in the Pristionchus genome. 1st Münster Evolution Meeting (MEM 2018), Münster, Germany (2018)
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