Publikationen von N Prabh

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Prabh, N.; Rödelsperger, C.: Multiple Pristionchus pacificus genomes reveal distinct evolutionary dynamics between de novo candidates and duplicated genes. Genome Research 32 (7), S. 1315 - 1327 (2022)
Rödelsperger, C.; Prabh, N.; Sommer, R.: New gene origin and deep taxon phylogenomics: opportunities and challenges. Trends in Genetics 35 (12), S. 914 - 922 (2019)
Prabh, N.; Rödelsperger, C.: De Novo, divergence, and mixed origin contribute to the emergence of orphan genes in Pristionchus nematodes. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (7), S. 2277 - 2286 (2019)
Moreno, E.; Lenuzzi, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Prabh, N.; Witte, H.; Roeseler, W.; Riebesell, M.; Sommer, R.: DAF-19/RFX controls ciliogenesis and influences oxygen-induced social behaviors in Pristionchus pacificus. Evolution and Development 20 (6), S. 233 - 243 (2018)
Prabh, N.; Roeseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in Pristionchus nematodes. Genome Research 28 (11), S. 1664 - 1674 (2018)
Werner, M.; Sieriebriennikov, B.; Prabh, N.; Loschko, T.; Lanz, C.; Sommer, R.: Young genes have distinct gene structure, epigenetic profiles, and transcriptional regulation. Genome Research 28 (11), S. 1675 - 1687 (2018)
Rödelsperger, C.; Röseler, W.; Prabh, N.; Yoshida, K.; Weiler, C.; Herrmann, M.; Sommer, R.: Phylotranscriptomics of Pristionchus Nematodes Reveals Parallel Gene Loss in Six Hermaphroditic Lineages. Current Biology 28 (19), S. 3123 - 3127 (2018)
Sieriebriennikov, B.; Prabh, N.; Dardiry, M.; Witte, H.; Röseler, W.; Kieninger, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: A Developmental Switch Generating Phenotypic Plasticity Is Part of a Conserved Multi-gene Locus. Cell Reports 23 (10), e4, S. 2835 - 2843 (2018)
Rödelsperger, C.; Meyer, J.; Prabh, N.; Lanz, C.; Bemm, F.; Sommer, R.: Single-Molecule Sequencing Reveals the Chromosome-Scale Genomic Architecture of the Nematode Model Organism Pristionchus pacificus. Cell Reports 21 (3), S. 834 - 844 (2017)
Prabh, N.; Rödelsperger, C.: Are orphan genes protein-coding, prediction artifacts, or non-coding RNAs? BMC Bioinformatics 17, 226 (2016)
Baskaran, P.; Rödelsperger, C.; Prabh, N.; Serobyan, V.; Markov, G.; Hirsekorn, A.; Dieterich, C.: Ancient gene duplications have shaped developmental stage-specific expression in Pristionchus pacificus. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15, 185 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Prabh, N.; Rödelsperger, C.: Creating a context to study novel gene evolution. In SMBE 2019, SMBE-OR-206, S. 175. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2019 (SMBE 2019), Manchester, UK, 21. Juli 2019 - 25. Juli 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Prabh, N.; Flowers, J.; Sahraie, D.; Ehrenreich, I.; Purugganan, M.: Dissecting complex life-history trait in Arabidopsis thaliana using extremely large segregating population. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 14, S. 13 - 14. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Prabh, N.; Roeseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in Pristionchus nematodes. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 164M, S. 66. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Prabh, N.; Werner, M.; Roedelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Deep taxon sampling and epigenetic profiling reveal the evolutionary dynamics of nematode orphan genes. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 2, S. 9. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)

Vortrag (1)

Prabh, N.: Evolution of orphan genes in Pristionchus nematodes. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany (2018)

Poster (3)

Prabh, N.; Röseler, W.; Witte, H.; Eberhardt, G.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Deep taxon sampling reveals the evolutionary dynamics of novel gene families in the Pristionchus genome. 1st Münster Evolution Meeting (MEM 2018), Münster, Germany (2018)
Sieriebriennikov, B.; Prabh, N.; Dardiry, M.; Witte, H.; Roeseler, W.; Kieninger, M.; Roedelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: A developmental switch generating phenotypic plasticity is part of a conserved supergene in Pristionchus nematodes. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2018 (SMBE 2018): 50th Anniversary of the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Yokohama, Japan (2018)
Prabh, N.; Sieriebriennikov, B.; Sommer, R.; Rödelsperger, C.: Investigation of developmental system drift using a comparative phylogenomics approach. Evolutionary Systems Biology 2018, Hinxton, UK (2018)
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