Meeting Abstract (20)

Meeting Abstract
Wang, H.-F.; Chao, H.-W.; Chen, C.-Y.; Lee, M.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Valosin-containing protein (VCP) interacts with neurofibromin and regulates dendritic spine formation. In Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, 96. Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, Suzhou, China, 12. April 2010 - 17. April 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Idnurm, A.; Heitman, J.: Recombination is enhanced in regions flanking the Cryptococcus mating type locus: implications for the evolution of a fungal sex chromosome. In Fungal Genetics Reports, 52 (11), 575, S. 209. XXIII Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 15. März 2005 - 20. März 2005. Fungal Genetics Stock Center, Kansas City, KS, USA (2005)
Meeting Abstract
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Shen, W.-C.: A homologue of Ste6p, the a-factor transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, functions bilaterally in Cryptococcus neoformans. In Fungal Genetics Reports, 50 (18), 57, S. 28. 22nd Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 18. März 2003 - 23. März 2003. Fungal Genetics Stock Center, Kansas City, KS, USA (2003)

Vortrag (5)

Hsueh, Y.-P.: Predator-prey interactions of nematode-trapping fungi. International Fungal Biology Conference: from Molecules to Communities: IFBC-2025, Chania, Greece (2025)
Hsueh, Y.: Genetic Mechanisms Underlying the Evolution of Nematode-Killing Apparatus in Pleurotus ostreatus. 17th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG17), Dublin, Ireland (angenommen)
Hsueh, Y.-P.: A predatory fungus detects prey pheromones via G-protein-coupled receptors. Kiel Conference on Molecular Biology of Fungi 2024, Kiel, Germany (2024)
Hsueh, Y.-P.: Dynamic transcriptional profiling in a nematode-trapping fungus reveals key processes required for various stages of fungal carnivory. 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), Busan, South Korea (2023)
Hsueh, Y.-P.: Genetic analyses of predator-prey interactions between carnivorous fungi and the nematode C. elegans. IPSR International Plant Web Forum 2021, Okayama, Japan (2021)

Poster (9)

Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Yang, C.-T.; Stajich, J.; Brem, R.; Andersen, R.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Exploring the Genetic Diversity of Arthrobotrys oligospora Wild Populations in Taiwan. 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, USA (2024)
Lee, Y.-C.; Lee, C.; Chang, Y.; Pon, W.; Lee, S.; Wali, N.; Nakazawa, T.; Honda, Y.; Shie, J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: A carnivorous mushroom paralyzes and kills nematodes via a volatile ketone. 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG16), Innsbruck, Austria (2023)
Lee, C.-H.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Organismal death triggered by oyster mushrooms via mitochondrial dysfunction. 23rd International C. Elegans Meeting 2021 (2021)
DiBianca, I.; Quiogue, A.; Ghaffan, C.; Stayer-Wilburn, O.; Thakker, V.; Harwood, M.; Maher, S.; Resch, L.; Nathan, S.; Dalton, C. et al.; Cox-Harris, A.; Morton, R.; Jerome, E.; Mankins, W.; Daffeh, L.; Tirumalasetty, K.; Szentkuti, H.; Sullivan, J.; Hernandez, G.; Fekrinia, K.; Gibbs, K.; Hwang, N.; Lester, C.; Mosqueda, B.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Zhang, B.; L'Etoile, N.; Young, J.: Localization and Characterization of Odor Receptors in C. elegans. C. elegans Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function & Behavior Topic Meeting 2018, Madison, WI, USA (2018)
DiBianca, I.; Quiogue, A.; Ghaffari, C.; Stayer-Wilburn, O.; Thakker, V.; Harwood, M.; Maher, S.; Resch, L.; Nathan, S.; Dalton, C. et al.; Cox-Harris, A.; Morton, R.; Jerome, E.; Mankins, W.; Daffeh, L.; Tirumalasetty, K.; Szentkuti, H.; Sullivan, J.; Hernandez, G.; Fekrinia, K.; Gibbs, K.; Hwang, N.; Lester, C.; Mosqueda, B.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Zhang, B.; L'Etoile, N.; Young, J.: Localization and Characterization of Odor Receptors in C. elegans. C. elegans Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function & Behavior Topic Meeting 2018, Madison, WI, USA (2018)
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Schwarz, E.; Forseth, R.; Schroeder, F.; Sternberg, P.: Molecular mechanism governing interaction between nematodes and nematophagous fungi. 18th International C. Elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2011)
Wang, X.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Li, W.; Floyd, A.; Skalsky, R.; Heitman, J.: Sex induced silencing defends the genome of Cryptococcus neoformans via RNAi. 26th Fungal Genetics Conference (FGC 2011), Pacific Grove, CA, USA (2011)
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Idnurm, A.; Heitman, J.: Recombination hotspots flank the Cryptococcus mating-type locus: implications for the evolution of a fungal sex chromosome. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, USA (2007)
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Xue, C.; Heitman, J.: Two G protein alpha subunits share redundant roles in pheromone sensing in Cryptococcus neoformans. 24th Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, USA (2007)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Hsueh, Y.-P.: Sex in Cryptococcus: Signaling, Mating-type Locus Evolution and Gene Silencing. Dissertation, 272 S., Duke University, Durham, NC, USA (2008)

Preprint (1)

Lin, T.-H.; Chang, L.-W.; Tay, R.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Predation by nematode-trapping fungus triggers mechanosensory-dependent quiescence in Caenorhabditis elegans. (eingereicht)
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