Komplexe biologische Wechselwirkungen

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Wang, X.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Li, W.; Floyd, A.; Skalsky, R.; Heitman, J.: Sex induced silencing defends the genome of Cryptococcus neoformans via RNAi. Genes and Development 24 (22), S. 2566 - 2582 (2010)

Buchkapitel (3)

Hsueh, Y.-P.; Lin, X.; Kwon-Chung, K.; Heitman, J.: Sexual Reproduction of Cryptococcus. In: Cryptococcus: From Human Pathogen to Model Yeast, 7, S. 81 - 96 (Hg. Heitman, J.; Kozel, T.; Kwon-Chung, K.; Perfect, J.; Casadevall, A.). Wiley, New York, NY, USA (2010)
Hsueh, Y.-P.; Metin, B.; Findley, K.; Rodriguez-Carres, M.; Heitman, J.: The Mating-Type Locus of Cryptococcus: Evolution of Gene Clusters Governing Sex Determination and Sexual Reproduction from the Phylogenomic Perspective. In: Cryptococcus: From Human Pathogen to Model Yeast, 11, S. 139 - 149 (Hg. Heitman, J.; Kozel, T.; Kwon-Chung, K.; Perfect, J.; Casadevall, A.). Wiley, New York, NY, USA (2010)
Xue, C.; Wang, Y.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Chapter 20 - Assessment of Constitutive Activity of a G Protein-Coupled Receptor, Cpr2, in Cryptococcus neoformans by Heterologous and Homologous Methods. In: Constitutive Activity in Receptors and Other Proteins, Part A, S. 397 - 412 (Hg. Conn, P.). Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2010)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Chen, C.-Y.; Lin, C.-W.; Chang, C.-Y.; Jiang, S.-T.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Sarm1 mediates the crosstalk between innate immunity and synaptic signaling in dendritic arborization. In Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, 63. Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, Suzhou, China, 12. April 2010 - 17. April 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Wang, H.-F.; Chao, H.-W.; Chen, C.-Y.; Lee, M.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Valosin-containing protein (VCP) interacts with neurofibromin and regulates dendritic spine formation. In Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, 96. Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience 2010, Suzhou, China, 12. April 2010 - 17. April 2010. (2010)
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