Publikationen von A Dinwiddie

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Singh, A.; Dinwiddie, A.; Mahalwar, P.; Linker, C.; Irion, U.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Pigment Cell Progenitors in Zebrafish Remain Multipotent through Metamorphosis. Developmental Cell 38 (3), S. 316 - 330 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Feofilova, M.; Sicher, A.; Style, R.; Panzarasa, G.; Prum, R.; DeCamilli, P.; Lewis, A.; Dinwiddie, A.; Spano, F.; Rossi, R. et al.; Dufresne, E.: Understanding and reproducing structural colour in soft materials. In Living Light 2018, S. 83. Living Light 2018, Cambridge, UK, 11. April 2018 - 14. April 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Dinwiddie, A.; Bonhomme, V.; Forrestel, E.; Prum, R.: Evolutionary patterns of lepidopteran wing scale shapes in a quantitative morphospace. In XIXth European Congress of Lepidopterology, S. 25. XIXth European Congress of Lepidopterology, Radebeul, Germany, 27. September 2015 - 02. Oktober 2015. (2015)
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