Publikationen von F Tritschler
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (10)
11 (7), S. 522 - 527 (2010)
Crystal structure and ligand binding of the MID domain of a eukaryotic Argonaute protein. EMBO Reports 2.
29 (14), S. 2368 - 2380 (2010)
The C‐terminal α–α superhelix of Pat is required for mRNA decapping in metazoa. EMBO Journal 3.
11 (5), S. 379 - 384 (2010)
Role of GW182 proteins and PABPC1 in the miRNA pathway: a sense of déjà vu. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 4.
189 (2), S. 289 - 302 (2010)
HPat provides a link between deadenylation and decapping in metazoa. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB 5.
106 (51), S. 21591 - 21596 (2009)
DCP1 forms asymmetric trimers to assemble into active mRNA decapping complexes in metazoa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 6.
15 (8), S. 1433 - 1442 (2009)
The GW182 protein family in animal cells: new insights into domains required for miRNA-mediated gene silencing. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society 7.
37 (9), S. 2974 - 2983 (2009)
The RRM domain in GW182 proteins contributes to miRNA-mediated gene silencing. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 8.
33 (5), S. 661 - 668 (2009)
Structural basis for the mutually exclusive anchoring of P body components EDC3 and Tral to the DEAD box protein DDX6/Me31B. Molecular Cell 9.
28 (21), S. 6695 - 6708 (2008)
Similar modes of interaction enable Trailer Hitch and EDC3 to associate with DCP1 and Me31B in distinct protein complexes. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 10.
27 (24), S. 8600 - 8611 (2007)
A divergent Sm fold in EDC3 proteins mediates DCP1 binding and P-body targeting. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
The N-terminal domain of EDC3 adopts a divergent Sm fold required for P-body localization. In GBM Fall Meeting 2007. GBM Fall Meeting 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 01. September 2007. (2007)