
Publikationen von S Kersten

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Barragan, A.; Collenberg, M.; Schwab, R.; Kersten, S.; Kerstens, M.; Požárová, D.; Bezrukov, I.; Bemm, F.; Kolár, F.; Weigel, D.: Deleterious Phenotypes in Wild Arabidopsis arenosa Populations Are Common and Linked to Runs of Homozygosity. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 14 (3), jkad290 (2024)
Kersten, S.; Rabanal, F.; Herrmann, J.; Hess, M.; Kronenberg, Z.; Schmid, K.; Weigel, D.: Deep haplotype analyses of target-site resistance locus ACCase in blackgrass enabled by pool-based amplicon sequencing. Plant Biotechnology Journal 21 (6), uqad008, S. 1240 - 1253 (2023)
Kersten, S.; Chang, J.; Huber, C.; Voichek, Y.; Lanz, C.; Hagmaier, T.; Lang, P.; Lutz, U.; Hirschberg, I.; Lerchl, J. et al.; Porri, A.; Van de Peer, Y.; Schmid, K.; Weigel, D.; Rabanal, F.: Standing genetic variation fuels rapid evolution of herbicide resistance in blackgrass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (16), e2206808120 (2023)
Lang, P.; Weiß, C.; Kersten, S.; Latorre, S.; Nagel, S.; Nickel, B.; Meyer, M.; Burbano, H.: Hybridization ddRAD-sequencing for population genomics of nonmodel plants using highly degraded historical specimen DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources 20 (5), S. 1228 - 1247 (2020)
Regalado, J.; Lundberg, D.; Deusch, O.; Kersten, S.; Karasov, T.; Poersch, K.; Shirsekar, G.; Weigel, D.: Combining whole-genome shotgun sequencing and rRNA gene amplicon analyses to improve detection of microbe-microbe interaction networks in plant leaves. The ISME Journal 14 (8), S. 2116 - 2130 (2020)
Karasov, T.; Almario, J.; Friedemann, C.; Ding, W.; Giolai, M.; Heavens, D.; Kersten, S.; Lundberg, D.; Neumann, M.; Regalado, J. et al.; Neher, R.; Kemen, E.; Weigel, D.: Arabidopsis thaliana and Pseudomonas Pathogens Exhibit Stable Associations over Evolutionary Timescales. Cell Host & Microbe 24 (1), S. 168 - 179 (2018)

Poster (1)

Karasov, T.; Almario, A.; Friedemann, C.; Ding, W.; Giola, M.; Heavens, D.; Kersten, S.; Lundberg, D.; Neumann, M.; Regalado, J. et al.; Neher, R.; Kemen, E.; Weigel, D.: Distinct Pseudomonas pathogen evolution in agricultural versus wild plant populations. When Development Meets Stress: Understanding Developmental Reprogramming upon Pathogenesis in Plants, Barcelona, Spain (2018)

Preprint (3)

Lundberg, D.; Kersten, S.; Mehmetoğlu, E.; Ayutthaya, P.; Zhu, W.; Poersch, K.; Yuan, W.; Swartz, S.; Müller, D.; Bezrukov, I. et al.; HARVEST TEAM; Weigel, D.: Field conditions greatly modify a major growth-defense tradeoff in Arabidopsis thaliana. (eingereicht)
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Duque-Jaramillo, A.; Kersten, S.; Bezrukov, I.; Schröppel, B.; Symeonidi, E.; Lundberg, D.; Regalado, J.; Shirsekar, G. et al.; Bergelson, J.; Weigel, D.: The relationship between microbial population size and disease in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere. (eingereicht)
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