Publikationen von JX Leong

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Zou, Y.; Ohlsson, J.; Holla, S.; Sabljić, I.; Leong, J.; Ballhaus, F.; Krebs, M.; Schumacher, K.; Moschou, P.; Stael, S. et al.; Üstün, S.; Dagdas, Y.; Bozhkov, P.; Minina, E.: ATG8 delipidation is not universally critical for autophagy in plants. Nature Communications 16 (1), 403 (2025)
Ohlsson, J.; Leong, J.; Elander, P.; Ballhaus, F.; Holla, S.; Dauphinee, A.; Johansson, J.; Lommel, M.; Hofmann, G.; Betnér, S. et al.; Sandgren, M.; Schumacher, K.; Bozhkov, P.; Minina, E.: SPIRO: the automated Petri plate imaging platform designed by biologists, for biologists. The Plant Journal 118 (2), S. 584 - 600 (2024)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Barrera-Redondo, J.; Leong, J.; Papadopoulos, C.; Igreja, C.; Luthringer, R.; Haas, F.; Albà, M.; Coelho, S.: The UV sex chromosomes of brown algae act as genomic cradles for new genes that evolve de novo. In SMBE 2024, S. 65. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2024 (SMBE 2024), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 07. Juli 2024 - 11. Juli 2024. (2024)

Vortrag (1)

Barrera-Redondo, J.; Leong, J.; Igreja, C.; Coelho, S.: Tracking down the evolution and functional integration of de novo emerged genes in the brown algae. SMBE Satellite Meeting on De Novo Gene Birth, College Station, TX, USA (2023)

Poster (1)

Léger, O.; Leong, J.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Üstün, S.: The Selective Autophagy Receptor NBR1 is a Central Hub in Plant Immunity. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023), Lyon, France (2023)

Preprint (2)

Kumaran, G.; Pathak, P.; Quandoh, E.; Mursalimov, S.; Devi, J.; Alkalai-Tuvia, S.; Hori, K.; Leong, J.; Schenstnyi, K.; Levin, E. et al.; Üstün, S.; Michaeli, S.: Autophagy Restricts Tomato Fruit Ripening Via a General Role in Ethylene Repression. (eingereicht)
Holla, S.; Zou, Y.; Sabljić, I.; Ohlsson, J.; Leong, J.; Ballhaus, F.; Krebs, M.; Schumacher, K.; Üstün, S.; Dagdas, Y. et al.; Bozhkov, P.; Minina, E.: ATG8 delipidation is dispensable for plant autophagy. (eingereicht)
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