Publikationen von M Haag

Poster (1)

Bell, M.; Clasen, S.; Borbon, A.; Haag, M.; Ley, R.: Common silent and agonistic flagellins display temporally distinct binding profiles in interactions with Toll-Like Receptor 5. 75th Mosbacher Kolloquium "The Microbiome - from Understanding to Modulation", Mosbach, Germany (2024)

Preprint (1)

Bell, M.; Haag, M.; Clasen, S.; Boecker, M.; Maksymenko, K.; Koch, I.; Hipp, K.; Hartmann, M.; Weir, J.; Merino, F. et al.; Ley, R.: Kinetic and structure-based comparisons of silent and stimulatory flagellin interactions with TLR5. (eingereicht)
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