Publikationen von SR Henz

Zeitschriftenartikel (24)

Ahn, J.; Miller, D.; Winter, V.; Banfield, M.; Lee, J.; Henz, S.; Brady, R.; Weigel, D.: A divergent external loop confers antagonistic activity on floral regulators FT and TFL1. EMBO Journal 25 (3), S. 605 - 614 (2006)
de Folter, F.; Immink, R.; Kieffer, M.; Parenicová, L.; Henz, S.; Weigel, D.; Busscher, M.; Kooiker, M.; Colombo, L.; Kater, M. et al.: Comprehensive interaction map of the Arabidopsis MADS Box transcription factors. Plant Cell 17 (5), S. 1424 - 1433 (2005)
Henz, S.; Huson, D.; Auch, A.; Nieselt-Struwe, K.; Schuster, S.: Whole-genome prokaryotic phylogeny. Bioinformatics 21 (10), S. 2329 - 2335 (2005)
Schmid, M.; Davison, T.; Henz, S.; Pape, U.; Demar, M.; Vingron, M.; Schölkopf, B.; Weigel, D.; Lohmann, J.: A gene expression map of Arabidopsis thaliana development. Nature Genetics 37 (5), S. 501 - 506 (2005)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Zeller, G.; Henz, S.; Laubinger, S.; Weigel, D.; Rätsch, G.: Transcript normalization and segmentation of tiling array data. In: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008), S. 527 - 538. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008), Fairmont Orchid, HI, USA, 04. Januar 2008 - 08. Januar 2008. (2008)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Lange, A.; Beyer, S.; Huson, D.; Henz, S.; Hantke, K.; Lanz, C.; Autenrieth, I.; Frick, J.: Different Survival Strategies of Gut Commensal Bacteria in IBD. In 6th Seeon Conference: Microbiota, Probiota and Host, 13, S. 57. 6th Seeon Conference: Microbiota, Probiota and Host, Seeon, Germany, 28. Juni 2013 - 30. Juni 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Polychronidou, M.; Sorge, S.; Ha, N.; Friedrich, J.; Bezdan, D.; Kaspar, P.; Schaefer, M.; Ossowski, S.; Henz, S.; Mundorf, J. et al.: The cis-regulatory code of Hox function in Drosophila. In 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference 2012, 30, S. 129. 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference 2012, Chicago, IL, USA, 03. März 2012 - 11. März 2012. (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Schmid, M.; Henz, S.; Davison, T.; Pape, U.; Vingron, M.; Schölkopf, B.; Weigel, D.; Lohmann, J.: AtGenExpress: Expression atlas of Arabidopsis Development. In 15th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, T10-018, S. 485. 15th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2004), Berlin, Germany, 11. Juli 2004 - 14. Juli 2004. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany (2004)

Poster (5)

Lange, A.; Flade, I.; Beier, S.; Huson, D.; Henz, S.; Hantke, K.; Lanz, C.; Autenrieth, I.; Frick, J.-S.: Bacterial influence on gut homeostasis and inflammation. VAAM-Jahrestagung 2014, 66. Jahrestagung der DGHM: 4. Gemeinsame Konferenz von DGHM und VAAM, Dresden, Germany (2014)
Sharma, E.; Zipprich, G.; Henz, S.; Dreyer, C.; Weigel, D.: Transcriptome of Poecilia reticulata and comparative analysis for identification of sex-linked loci associated with evolution of the guppy sex chromosomes. 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2011), Tübingen, Germany (2011)
Reinke, V.; Ewing, B.; Gerstein, M.; Green, P.; Henz, S.; High, A.; Hillier, L.; Kato, M.; Leng, J.; MacCoss, M. et al.: The C. elegans transcriptome. 18th International C. Elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2011)
Laubinger, S.; Zeller, G.; Henz, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Transcriptome profiling of RNA-processing mutants: Uncovering the hidden layer of the Arabidopsis transcriptome. 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), Edinburgh, UK (2009)
Schmid, M.; Davison, T.; Henz, S.; Pape, U.; Demar, M.; Vingron, M.; Schoelkopf, B.; Weigel, D.; Lohmann, J.: A gene expression map of Arabidopsis development. 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2005), Madison, WI, USA (2005)