Publikationen von R Craig

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Liu, P.; Vigneau, J.; Craig, R.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Avdievich, E.; Martinho, C.; Borg, M.; Haas, F.; Liu, C.; Coelho, S.: 3D chromatin maps of a brown alga reveal U/V sex chromosome spatial organization. Nature Communications 15 (1), 9590 (2024)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Craig, R.; Gallaher, S.; Dueñas, M.; Camacho, D.; Merchant, S.; Moseley, J.: Hybridisation, loss-of-heterozygosity and aneuploidy in Auxenochlorella, an emerging green algal model for molecular genetics and biotechnology. In Population Genetics Group 57 (PopGroup57), 220, S. 169. Population Genetics Group 57 (PopGroup57), St. Andrews, Scotland, 08. Januar 2024 - 10. Januar 2024. (2024)

Preprint (3)

Craig, R.; Dueñas, M.; Camacho, D.; Gallaher, S.; Blaby-Haas, C.; Moseley, J.; Merchant, S.: Allodiploid hybridization, loss-of-heterozygosity and aneuploidy in the green alga Auxenochlorella, an emerging model for discovery research and bioengineering. (eingereicht)
Petroll, R.; West, J.; Ogden, M.; McGinley, O.; Craig, R.; Coelho, S.; Borg, M.: The expanded Bostrychia moritziana genome unveils evolution in the most diverse and complex order of red algae. (eingereicht)
Erazo-Garcia, M.; Sheyn, U.; Barth, Z.; Craig, R.; Wessman, P.; Jivaji, A.; Ray, W.; Svensson-Coelho, M.; Cornwallis, C.; Rengefors, K. et al.; Brussaard, C.; Moniruzzaman, M.; Aylward, F.: Latent infection of an active giant endogenous virus in a unicellular green alga. (eingereicht)
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