Publikationen von CB Griesinger

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Müller, C.; Griesinger, C.: Tissue plasminogen activator mediates reverse occlusion plasticity in visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience 1 (1), S. 47 - 53 (1998)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Griesinger, C.; Müller, C.: Inhibition of Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) Impairs Ocular Dominance Plasticity Induced by Reverse Occlusion. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22 (1-3), 682.6, S. 1728. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1996), Washington, DC, USA, 16. November 1996 - 21. November 1996. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1996)
Meeting Abstract
Müller, C.; Griesinger, C.; Kindl, S.; Schweizer, M.: Development of the functional architecture of the mammalian visual system: Role of axonal growth and its control. In Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences, 51 (1 Supplement), S07-03, S. A40. 27th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Societies for Experimental Biology (USGEB / USSBE), Fribourg, Switzerland, 30. März 1995 - 31. März 1995. Birkhäuser, Basel; Berlin [u.a.] (1995)

Poster (1)

Bayrhuber, M.; Meins, T.; Habeck, M.; Vonrhein, C.; Vijayan, V.; Villinger, S.; Becker, S.; Griesinger, C.; Zeth, K.; Zweckstetter, M.: Structure of the Human Voltage Dependent Anion Channel and Its Potential Role in Apoptosis. 50th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC 2009), Santa Fe, NM, USA (2009)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Griesinger, C.: Molekulare Mechanismen struktureller Entwicklungsplastizität: eine kombiniert elektrophysiologisch-anatomische Untersuchung. Dissertation, 181 S., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (1997)
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