Publikationen von S Chang

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Chang, S.; Rathjen, F.; Raper, J.: Neurite outgrowth promoting activity of G4 and its inhibition by monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Neuroscience Research 25 (2), S. 180 - 186 (1990)
Rathjen, F.; Wolff, J.; Chang, S.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Raper, J.: Neurofascin: a novel chick cell-surface glycoprotein involved in neurite-neurite interactions. Cell 51 (5), S. 841 - 849 (1987)
Chang, S.; Rathjen, F.; Raper, J.: Extension of neurites on axons is impaired by antibodies against specific neural cell surface glycoproteins. Journal of Cell Biology 104 (2), S. 355 - 362 (1987)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Rathjen, F.; Wolff, J.; Chang, S.; Raper, J.: Membrane glycoproteins involved in neurite-neurite interactions. XXX. Symposion der Gesellschaft für Histochemie: Cytochemical Markers of Neural and Endocrine Cells , Gargellen, Austria, 21. September 1988 - 24. September 1988. Acta Histochemica Supplement 38, S. 59 - 63 (1990)
Rathjen, F.; Wolff, J.; Chang, S.; Raper, J.: Cholinesterases reveal early patterns of neurogenesis in the chick. XXX. Symposion der Gesellschaft für Histochemie: Cytochemical Markers of Neural and Endocrine Cells , Gargellen, Austria, 21. September 1988 - 24. September 1988. Acta Histochemica Supplement 38, S. 59 - 63 (1990)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Chang, S.; Rathjen, F.; Raper, J.: Monoclonal antibodies to G4, a neural cell surface glycoprotein interfere with neurite extension on an axonal substrate and on a G4 substrate. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 14 (1), 300.2, S. 747. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1988), Toronto, Canada, 13. November 1988 - 18. November 1988. (1988)
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