Publikationen von G Rätsch

Zeitschriftenartikel (26)

De Bona, F.; Ossowski, S.; Schneeberger, K.; Rätsch, G.: Optimal spliced alignments of short sequence reads. Bioinformatics 24 (16), S. i174 - i180 (2008)
Laubinger, S.; Zeller, G.; Henz, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Widmer, C.; Widmer, C.; Naouar, N.; Vuylsteke, M.; Schölkopf, B.; Rätsch, G. et al.; Weigel, D.: At-TAX: A Whole Genome Tiling Array Resource for Developmental Expression Analysis and Transcript Identification in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Biology 9 (7), R112 (2008)
Laubinger, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Zeller, G.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (25), S. 8795 - 8800 (2008)
Zeller, G.; Clark, R.; Schneeberger, K.; Bohlen, A.; Weigel, D.; Rätsch, G.: Detecting polymorphic regions in Arabidopsis thaliana with resequencing microarrays. Genome Research 18 (6), S. 918 - 929 (2008)
Clark, R.; Schweikert, G.; Toomajian, C.; Ossowski, S.; Zeller, G.; Shinn, P.; Warthmann, N.; Hu, T.; Fu, G.; Hinds, D. et al.; Chen, H.; Frazer, K.; Huson, D.; Schölkopf, B.; Nordborg, M.; Rätsch, G.; Ecker, J.; Weigel, D.: Common Sequence Polymorphisms Shaping Genetic Diversity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science 317 (5836), S. 338 - 342 (2007)
Rätsch, G.; Sonnenburg, S.; Srinivasan, J.; Witte, H.; Müller, K.-R.; Sommer, R.; Schölkopf, B.: Improving the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome Annotation Using Machine Learning. PLoS Computational Biology 3 (2 ), e20, S. 0313 - 0322 (2007)

Konferenzband (1)

Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G. (Hg.): Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology (MLSB 2012). Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology at ECCB 2012, Basel, Switzerland, 08. September 2012 - 09. September 2012. (2012)

Konferenzbeitrag (4)

Schweikert, G.; Widmer, C.; Schölkopf, B.; Rätsch, G.: An Empirical Analysis of Domain Adaptation Algorithms for Genomic Sequence Analysis. In: Advances in neural information processing systems 21, M14, S. 1433 - 1440 (Hg. Koller, D.; Schuurmans, D.; Bengio, Y.; Bottou, L.). Twenty-Second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2008), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 08. Dezember 2008 - 10. Dezember 2008. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2009)
Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: Kernel-based Identification of Regulatory Modules in Euchromatic Sequences. In: German Conference on Bioinformatics: GCB 2008, S. 158 - 167 (Hg. Beyer, A.; Schroeder, M.). German Conference on Bioinformatics 2008 (GCB 2008), Dresden, Germany, 09. September 2008 - 12. September 2008. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany (2008)
Zeller, G.; Henz, S.; Laubinger, S.; Weigel, D.; Rätsch, G.: Transcript normalization and segmentation of tiling array data. In: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008), S. 527 - 538. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008), Fairmont Orchid, HI, USA, 04. Januar 2008 - 08. Januar 2008. (2008)
Sonnenburg, S.; Schweikert, G.; Philips, P.; Behr, J.; Rätsch, G.: Accurate Splice site Prediction Using Support Vector Machines. NIPS 2006 Workshop on New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology, Whistler, Canada, 08. Dezember 2006. BMC Bioinformatics 8 (Supplement 10), S7, (2007)

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Lehmann, K.; Kahles, A.; Toussaint, N.; Hüser, M.; Stark, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Stegle, O.; Kohlbacher, O.; Sander, C.; Rätsch, G.: Comprehensive analysis of alternative splicing across tumors from 8,705 patients. In 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2018), 371, S. 186. 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2018), San Diego, CA, USA, 16. Oktober 2018 - 20. Oktober 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Behr, J.; Clark, J.; Drewe, P.; Hildebrand, K.; Kover, P.; Lyngsoe, R.; Mott, E.; Osborne, R.; Rätsch, G.; Schultheiss, S. et al.; Sreedharan, V.; Steffen, J.; Stegle, O.; Toomajian, C.; Xiangchao, G.: Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes for Arabidopsis thaliana. In HiTSeq 2011: Conference on High Throughput Sequencing Analysis and Algorithms, S. 22. HiTSeq 2011: Conference on High Throughput Sequencing Analysis and Algorithms, Wien, Austria, 15. Juli 2011 - 16. Juli 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Gan, X.; Behr, J.; Steffen, J.; Hildebrand, K.; Allchin, L.; Goodstadt, L.; Stegle, O.; Drewe, P.; Lyngsoe, R.; Sreedharan, V. et al.; Osborne, E.; Toomajian, C.; Kover, P.; Rätsch, G.; Clark, R.; Mott, R.: Accurate Sequencing of 18 Genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Its Use in Imputing the Genome Sequences of Over 600 MAGIC Recombinant Inbred Lines. In 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2011), 22, S. 78. 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2011), Madison, WI, USA, 22. Juni 2011 - 25. Juni 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: kernel-based identification of regulatory modules in euchromatic sequences. In BMC Bioinformatics, 10 (Supplement 13), O1. 5th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council (ISCB 2009), Stockholm, Sweden, 27. Juni 2009. BioMed Central (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Bohnert, R.; Zeller, G.; Clark, R.; Childs, K.; Ulat, V.; Stokowski, R.; Ballinger , D.; Frazer, K.; Cox, D.; Bruskiewich, R. et al.; Buell, C.; Leach, J.; Leung, H.; McNally, K.; Weigel, D.; Rätsch, G.: Revealing sequence variation patterns in rice with machine learning methods. In BMC Bioinformatics, 9 (Supplement 10), O8. Fourth International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium (ISCB 2008) , Toronto, Canada, 18. Juli 2008. BioMed Central (2008)
Meeting Abstract
De Bona, F.; Ossowski, S.; Schneeberger, K.; Rätsch, G.: Optimal spliced alignments of short sequence reads. In BMC Bioinformatics, 9 (Supplement 10), O7. Fourth International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium (ISCB 2008) , Toronto, Canada, 18. Juli 2008. BioMed Central (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Rätsch, G.; Clark, L.; Toomajian, C.; Ossowski, S.; Zeller, G.; Shinn, P.; Warthmann, N.; Hu, T.; Fu, G.; Hinds, D. et al.; Cheng, H.; Frazer, K.; Huson, D.; Schölkopf, B.; Nordborg , M.; Ecker, J.; Weigel, D.; Schneeberger, K.; Bohlen, A.: Discovering Common Sequence Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. In 16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2008). 16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2008), Toronto, Canada, 19. Juli 2008 - 23. Juli 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: Kernel-based Identification of Regulatory Modules in Euchromatic Sequences. In 4th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium, 38, S. 22. Fourth International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium (ISCB 2008) , Toronto, Canada, 18. Juli 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Zeller, G.; Eichner, J.; Sachsenberg, T.; Laubinger, S.; Weigel, D.; Rätsch, G.: Re-Annotating The Arabidopsis Transcriptome With Tiling Microarrays. In 4th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium, 32, S. 21. Fourth International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium (ISCB 2008) , Toronto, Canada, 18. Juli 2008. (2008)
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