Publikationen von H Baier

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Neuhauss, S.; Biehlmaier, O.; Seeliger, M.; Das, T.; Kohler, K.; Harris, W.; Baier, H.: Genetic disorders of vision revealed by a behavioral screen of 400 essential loci in zebrafish. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (19), S. 8603 - 8615 (1999)
Voigt, T.; Baier, H.; de Lima, A.: Synchronization of neuronal activity promotes survival of individual rat neocortical neurons in early development. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 9 (5), S. 990 - 999 (1997)
Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.; Trowe, T.; Karlstrom, R.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Genetic dissection of the retinotectal projection. Development 123 (1), S. 415 - 425 (1996)
Karlstrom, R.; Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Brand, M.; Crawford, A.; Grunewald, B.; Haffter, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Meyer, S. et al.: Zebrafish mutations affecting retinotectal axon pathfinding. Development 123 (1), S. 427 - 438 (1996)
Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Granato, M.; Crawford, A.; Grunewald, B.; Hoffmann, H.; Karlstrom, R.; Meyer, S.; Müller, B. et al.: Mutations disrupting the ordering and topographic mapping of axons in the retinotectal projection of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), S. 439 - 450 (1996)
Baier, H.; Rotter, S.; Korsching, S.: Connectional topography in the zebrafish olfactory system: Random positions but regular spacing of sensory neurons projecting to an individual glomerulus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (24), S. 11646 - 11650 (1994)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Attractive axon guidance molecules. Science 265 (5178), S. 1541 - 1542 (1994)
Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.: Axon guidance and growth cone collapse in vitro. NeuroProtocols 4 (2), S. 96 - 105 (1994)
Baier, H.; Korsching, S.: Olfactory glomeruli in the zebrafish form an invariant pattern and are identifiable across animals. The Journal of Neuroscience 14 (1), S. 219 - 230 (1994)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Axon guidance by gradients of a target-derived component. Science 255 (5043), S. 472 - 475 (1992)

Buchkapitel (1)

Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Axon guidance in vitro by a target-derived cell membrane component. In: The Nerve Growth Cone, S. 195 - 206 (Hg. Letourneau, P.). Raven Press, New York, NY, USA (1991)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Karlstrom, R.; Trowe, T.; Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Zebrafish mutations affecting retinotectal axon pathfinding. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21 (2), 594.13, S. 1511. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1995), San Diego, CA, USA, 11. November 1995 - 16. November 1995. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1995)
Meeting Abstract
Weth, F.; Baier, H.; Korsching, S.: Modules for molecules? Topographical organization of the Zebrafish olfactory system. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21 (3), 686.4, S. 1746. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1995), San Diego, CA, USA, 11. November 1995 - 16. November 1995. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1995)
Meeting Abstract
Korsching, S.; Baier, H.; Welker, R.; Schwarz, S.; Weth, F.: Towards the coding strategy of the Zebrafish olfactory system: A combined anatomical/molecular biological approach. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19 (1), 12.10, S. 14. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1993), Washington, DC, USA, 07. November 1993 - 12. November 1993. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1993)