Publikationen von A-M Wangler

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Chen, H.; Xiong, F.; Wangler, A.-M.; Bischoff, T.; Wang, K.; Miao, Y.; Slane, D.; Schwab, R.; Laux, T.; Bayer, M.: Phosphorylation-Dependent Activation of the bHLH Transcription Factor ICE1/SCRM Promotes Polarization of the Arabidopsis Zygote. New Phytologist 245 (3), S. 1029 - 1039 (2025)
Galindo-Trigo, S.; Khandare, S.; Roosjen, M.; Adams, J.; Wangler, A.-M.; Bayer, M.; Borst, J.; Smakowska-Luzan, E.; Butenko, M.: A multifaceted kinase axis regulates plant organ abscission through conserved signaling mechanisms. Current Biology 34 (13), S. 3020 - 3030 (2024)
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