Publikationen von U Honnert

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Scheel, J.; Srinivasan, J.; Honnert, U.; Henske, A.; Kurzchalia, T.: Involvement of caveolin-1 in meiotic cell-cycle progression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Cell Biology 1 (2), S. 127 - 129 (1999)
Stöffler, H.-E.; Honnert, U.; Bauer, C.; Höfer, D.; Schwarz, H.; Müller, R.; Dreckhahn, D.; Reinhard, J.; Bähler, M.: Targeting of the myosin-I myr 3 to intercellular adherens type junctions induced by dominant active Cdc42 in HeLa cells. Journal of Cell Science 111 (18), S. 2779 - 2788 (1998)
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