Publikationen von M ElGamacy

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Borbaran Bravo, N.; Deordieva, E.; Doll, L.; ElGamacy, M.; Dannenmann, B.; Azevedo, J.; Iannuzzo, A.; Delafontaine, S.; Lehnerz, M.; Kolodziej, M. et al.; Hernandez-Alvarez, B.; Hellmuth, A.-S.; Findik, B.; Zakharova, V.; Bräuning, S.; Kandabarau, S.; Lengerke, C.; Feil, R.; Meytz, I.; Delon, J.; Templin, M.; Sturm, M.; Rieß, O.; Zeidler, C.; Welte, K.; Shcherbina, A.; Klimiankou, M.; Skokowa, J.: A New Severe Congenital Neutropenia Syndrome Associated with Autosomal Recessive COPZ1 Mutations. Blood Epub ahead (2024)
Ullrich, T.; Klimenkova, O.; Pollmann, C.; Lasram, A.; Hatskovska, V.; Maksymenko, K.; Milijaš-Jotić, M.; Schenk, L.; Lengerke, C.; Hartmann, M. et al.; Piehler, J.; Skokowa, J.; ElGamacy, M.: A Strategy to Design Protein-based Antagonists Against Type I Cytokine Receptors. PLOS Biology (angenommen)
Grin, I.; Maksymenko, K.; Wörtwein, T.; ElGamacy, M.: The Damietta Server: a comprehensive protein design toolkit. Nucleic Acids Research 52 (W1), gkae297, S. W200 - W206 (2024)
Maksymenko, K.; Maurer, A.; Aghaallaei, N.; Barry, C.; Borbarán-Bravo, N.; Ullrich, T.; Dijkstra, T.; Hernandez-Alvarez, B.; Müller, P.; Lupas, A. et al.; Skokowa, J.; ElGamacy, M.: The design of functional proteins using tensorized energy calculations. Cell Reports Methods 3 (8), 100560 (2023)
Skokowa, J.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Coles, M.; Ritter, M.; Nasri, M.; Haaf, J.; Aghaallaei, N.; Xu, Y.; Mir, P.; Krahl, A.-C. et al.; Rogers, K.; Maksymenko, K.; Bajoghli, B.; Welte, K.; Lupas, A.; Müller, P.; ElGamacy, M.: A topological refactoring design strategy yields highly stable granulopoietic proteins. Nature Communications 13 (1), 2948 (2022)
ElGamacy, M.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.: Expanding the versatility of natural and de novo designed coiled coils and helical bundles. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 68, S. 224 - 234 (2021)
Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Skokowa, J.; Coles, M.; Mir, P.; Nasri, M.; Weidmann, L.; Rogers, K.; Welte, K.; Lupas, A.; Müller, P. et al.; ElGamacy, M.: Design of novel granulopoietic proteins by topological rescaffolding. PLoS Biology 18 (12), e3000919 (2020)
ElGamacy, M.; Riss, M.; Zhu, H.; Truffault, V.; Coles, M.: Mapping Local Conformational Landscapes of Proteins in Solution. Structure 27 (5), S. 853 - 865 (2019)
ElGamacy, M.; Coles, M.; Lupas, A.: Asymmetric protein design from conserved supersecondary structures. Journal of Structural Biology 204 (3), S. 380 - 387 (2018)
Irwin, B.; Vukovič, S.; Payne, M.; ElGamacy, M.; Chau, P.-L.: Prediction of GABARAP interaction with the GABA type A receptor. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 86 (12), S. 1251 - 1264 (2018)
ElGamacy, M.; Coles, M.; Ernst, P.; Zhu, H.; Hartmann, M.; Plückthun, A.; Lupas, A.: An Interface-Driven Design Strategy Yields a Novel, Corrugated Protein Architecture. ACS Synthetic Biology 7 (9), S. 2226 - 2235 (2018)
McCarthy, N.; Brooks, N.; Tyler, A.; ElGamacy, M.; Welche, P.; Payne, M.; Chau, P.-L.: A combined X-ray scattering and simulation study of halothane in membranes at raised pressures. Chemical Physics Letters 671, S. 21 - 27 (2017)
Wietaska, J.; Welche, P.; ElGamacy, M.; Csanyi, G.; Payne, M.; Chau, P.-L.: Isoflurane does not aggregate inside POPC bilayers at high pressure: Implications for pressure reversal of general anaesthesia. Chemical Physics Letters 638, S. 116 - 121 (2015)
ElGamacy, M.; Van Meervelt, L.: A fast topological analysis algorithm for large-scale similarity evaluations of ligands and binding pockets. Journal of Cheminformatics 7, 42 (2015)

Buchkapitel (1)

ElGamacy, M.: Accelerating therapeutic protein design. In: Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Bd. 130. Academic Press, New York, NY, USA (2022)

Meeting Abstract (19)

Meeting Abstract
ElGamacy, M.: Accelerating functional protein design through tensorized energy calculations. In 23rd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2024), OH17. 23rd European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2024), Turku, Finland, 16. September 2024 - 20. September 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Borbaran Bravo, N.; Doll, L.; Deordieva, E.; Bräuning, S.; Dannenmann, B.; ElGamacy, M.; Zakharova, V.; Lengerke, C.; Zeidler, C.; Welte, K. et al.; Shcherbina, A.; Skokowa, J.; Klimiankou, M.: A New Hereditary Syndrome with Severe Neutropenia and Neurological Involvement Caused by the Autosomal Recessive COPZ1 Mutation. In HemaSphere: open access journal of the European Hematology Association, 7 (Supplement 3), e9362349, S. 180 - 181. 28th Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA 2023), Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 08. Juni 2023 - 15. Juni 2023. Wolters Kluwer Health, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Borbarán Bravo, N.; Deordieva, E.; Doll, L.; ElGamacy, M.; Zeidler, C.; Bräuning, S.; Bajoghly, B.; Maschan, A.; Shcherbina, A.; Welte, K. et al.; Skokowa, J.; Klimiankou, M.: Ein neues vererbtes Syndrom mit schwerer Neutropenie und neurologischer Beteiligung aufgrund einer autosomal-rezessiven Mutation im COPZ1-Gen. In Oncology Research and Treatment, 45 (Supplement 2), V523, S. 161. Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie 2022, Wien, Austria, 07. Oktober 2022 - 10. Oktober 2022. Karger, Basel (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Maksymenko, K.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Ullrich, T.; Skokowa, J.; Lupas, A.; ElGamacy, M.: Damietta: A Tensorised Protein Design Engine, and Its Application in Therapeutic Protein Design. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins, S. 22. 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins , Alpbach, Austria, 04. September 2022 - 09. September 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Maksymenko, K.; Skokowa, J.; Müller, P.; Lupas, A.; ElGamacy, M.: Protein design of growth factor inhibitors. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins, S. 41. 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins , Alpbach, Austria, 04. September 2022 - 09. September 2022. (2022)
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