Membranproteinfaltung, Stabilität und Funktionen


Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Lee, K.-Y.; Yang, C.-C.; Shueng, P.-W.; Wu, S.-M.; Chen, C.-H.; Chao, Y.-C.; Chang, Y.-C.; Han, C.-L.; Chuang, H.-C.; Lee, C.-C. et al.; Lin, C.-W.: Downregulation of TAZ elicits a mitochondrial redox imbalance and ferroptosis in lung epithelial cells exposed to diesel exhaust particles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 266, 115555 (2023)
Lin, H.-C.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Chen, S.-A.; Yang, C.-T.; Tay, R.; Iizuka, T.; Huang, T.-Y.; Cuo, C.-Y.; Gonçalves, A.; Lin, S.-Y. et al.; Chang, Y.-C.; Stajich, J.; Schwarz, E.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Key processes required for the different stages of fungal carnivory by a nematode-trapping fungus. PLOS Biology 21 (11), e3002400 (2023)
Huang, W.-C.; Chen, W.-T.; Chen, Y.-C.; Fang, S.-B.; Huang, T.-W.; Chang, P.-R.; Chang, Y.-C.: Salmonella YqiC exerts its function through an oligomeric state. Protein Science 32 (10), e4749 (2023)
Lee, Y.-J.; Chang, Y.-C.; Lee, I.-H.; Ho, K.-H.; Fang, S.-B.; Lauderdale, T.-L.; Chen, T.-W.; Chen, K.-C.; Huang, C.-H.; Huang, T.-W.: Persistence and dynamic structures of diverse cephalosporinase genes in nontyphoidal Salmonella in cross-sectional surveillance in Taiwan. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 62 (4), 106944 (2023)
Lee, C.-H.; Chang, Y.-C.; Pon, W.-L.; Lee, S.-P.; Wali, N.; Nakazawa, T.; Honda, Y.; Shie, J.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: A carnivorous mushroom paralyzes and kills nematodes via a volatile ketone. Science Advances 9 (3), eade4809 (2023)
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