Publikationen von ER Davenport

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Goodrich, J.; Davenport, E.; Clark, A.; Ley, R.: The Relationship Between the Human Genome and Microbiome Comes into View. Annual Review of Genetics 51, S. 413 - 433 (2017)
Davenport, E.; Goodrich, J.; Bell, J.; Spector, T.; Ley, R.; Clark, A.: ABO antigen and secretor statuses are not associated with gut microbiota composition in 1,500 twins. BMC Genomics 17, 941 (2016)
Beaumont, M.; Goodrich, J.; Jackson, M.; Yet, I.; Davenport, E.; Vieira-Silva, S.; Debelius, J.; Pallister, T.; Mangino, M.; Raes, J. et al.; Knight, R.; Clark, A.; Ley, R.; Spector, T.; Bell, J.: Heritable components of the human fecal microbiome are associated with visceral fat. Genome Biology 17, 189 (2016)
Goodrich, J.; Davenport, E.; Beaumont, M.; Kackson, M.; Knight, R.; Ober, C.; Spector, T.; Bell, J.; Clark, A.; Ley, R.: Genetic Determinants of the Gut Microbiome in UK Twins. Cell Host & Microbe 19 (5), S. 731 - 743 (2016)
Goodrich, J.; Davenport, E.; Waters, J.; Clark, A.; Ley, R.: Cross-species comparisons of host genetic associations with the microbiome. Science 352 (6285), S. 532 - 535 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Davenport, E.; Spector, T.; Ley, R.; Clark, A.: Simultaneously modeling host genetics and microbiome composition re- veals the heritability and the proportion of variance explained due to the microbiome of immune-related traits. In 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2018), 219, S. 110. 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2018), San Diego, CA, USA, 16. Oktober 2018 - 20. Oktober 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Davenport, E.; Spector, T.; Ley, R.; Clark, A.: Modeling human gut microbiome community structure across healthy and diseased states in 2,500 twins. In SMBE 2017, OT-PM6, S. 1096. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2017 (SMBE 2017), Austin, TX, USA, 02. Juli 2017 - 06. Juli 2017. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Davenport, E.; Spector, T.; Ley, R.; Clark, A.: Modeling human gut microbiome community structure across healthy and diseased states in 2,500 twins. In 2017 Meeting on the Biology of Genomes, S. 342. 2017 Meeting on the Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA, 09. Mai 2017 - 13. Mai 2017. (2017)
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