Publikationen von D Weigel

Preprint (24)

Xian, W.; Bao, Z.; Vorbrugg, S.; Tao, Y.; Movilli, A.; Bezrukov, I.; Weigel, D.: The structure of mitochondrial genomes is associated with geography in Arabidopsis thaliana. (eingereicht)
The 1001 Genomes Plus Consortium; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Ashkenazy, H.; Baduel, P.; Bao, Z.; Becker, C.; Caillieux, E.; Colot, V.; Crosbie, D.; De Oliveira, L. et al.; Fitz, J.; Fritschi, K.; Grigoreva, E.; Guo, Y.; Habring, A.; Henderson, I.; Hou, X.-H.; Hu, Y.; Igolkina, A.; Kang, M.; Kemen, E.; Kersey, P.; Kornienko, A.; Lian, Q.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Lucke, M.; Mayjonade, B.; Mercier, R.; Mollá Morales, A.; Movilli, A.; Murray, K.; Naish, M.; Nordborg, M.; Rabanal, F.; Roux, F.; Schandry, N.; Schneeberger, K.; Schwab, R.; Shirsekar, G.; Sushko, S.; Tao, Y.; Teasdale, L.; Vorbrugg, S.; Weigel, D.; Xian, W.: The 1001G+ project: A curated collection of Arabidopsis thaliana long-read genome assemblies to advance plant research. (eingereicht)
Vorbrugg, S.; Bezrukov, I.; Bao, Z.; Xian, W.; Weigel, D.: Gfa2bin enables graph-based GWAS by converting genome graphs to pan-genomic genotypes. (eingereicht)
Beckel, M.; San Martin, A.; Sánchez, S.; Seymour, D.; José de Leone, M.; Careno, D.; Mora-García, S.; Weigel, D.; Yanovsky, M.; Chernomoretz, A.: Arabidopsis PRMT5 Buffers Pre-mRNA Splicing and Development Against Genetic Variation in Donor Splice Sites. (eingereicht)
Tiedemann, S.; Sterck, L.; Becker, H.; Nielsen, N.; Blohm, C.; Blum, D.; Lanz, C.; Maedler, K.; Weigel, D.; Van de Peer, Y. et al.; Groß-Hardt, R.: The spliceosomal component GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR 1 (GFA1) regulates a key photoperiodic switch. (eingereicht)
Lundberg, D.; Kersten, S.; Mehmetoğlu, E.; Ayutthaya, P.; Zhu, W.; Poersch, K.; Yuan, W.; Swartz, S.; Müller, D.; Bezrukov, I. et al.; HARVEST TEAM; Weigel, D.: Field conditions greatly modify a major growth-defense tradeoff in Arabidopsis thaliana. (eingereicht)
Xian, W.; Bezrukov, I.; Bao, Z.; Vorbrugg, S.; Gautam, A.; Weigel, D.: TIPP_plastid: A User-Friendly Tool for De Novo Assembly of Organellar Genomes with HiFi Data. (eingereicht)
Lutz, U.; Bezrukov, I.; Schwab, R.; Yuan, W.; Kollmar, M.; Weigel, D.: Cryptic Variation in Adaptive Phenotypes Revealed by Panspecific flc Mutants. (eingereicht)
Ruffley, M.; Lutz, U.; Leventhal, L.; Hateley, S.; Yuan, W.; Keck, J.; Rhee, S.; Weigel, D.; Exposito-Alonso, M.: Selection constraints of plant adaptation can be relaxed by gene editing. (eingereicht)
Igolkina, A.; Vorbrugg, S.; Rabanal, F.; Liu, H.-J.; Ashkenazy, H.; Kornienko, A.; Fitz, J.; Collenberg, M.; Kubica, C.; Mollá Morales, A. et al.; Jaegle, B.; Wrightsman, T.; Voloshin, V.; Llaca, V.; Nizhynska, V.; Reichardt, I.; Lanz, C.; Bemm, F.; Flood, B.; Nemomissa, S.; Hancock, A.; Guo, Y.-L.; Kersey, P.; Weigel, D.; Nordborg, M.: Towards an unbiased characterization of genetic polymorphism. (eingereicht)
Yeaman, S.; Whiting, J.; Booker, T.; Rougeux, C.; Lind, B.; Singh, P.; Lu, M.; Huang, K.; Whitlock, M.; Aitken, S. et al.; Andrew, R.; Borevitz, J.; Bruhl, J.; Collins, T.; Fischer, M.; Hodgins, K.; Holliday, J.; Ingvarsson, P.; Janes, J.; Khandaker, M.; Koenig, D.; Kreiner, J.; Kremer, A.; Lascoux, M.; Leroy, T.; Milesi, P.; Murray, K.; Rellstab, C.; Rieseberg, L.; Roux, F.; Stinchcombe, J.; Telford, I.; Tedesco, M.; Wang, B.; Weigel, D.; Willi, Y.; Wright, S.; Zhou, L.: Core genes driving climate adaptation in plants. (eingereicht)
Sunil, S.; Beeh, S.; Fischer, K.; Wilhelm, F.; Paris, C.; Meral, A.; Teasdale, L.; Jiang, Z.; Zhang, I.; Aguilar Parras, E. et al.; Nuernberger, T.; Weigel, D.; Lozano-Duran, R.; El Kasmi, F.: An atypical endomembrane localized CNL-type immune receptor with a conserved deletion in the N-terminal signaling domain functions in cell death and immunity. (eingereicht)
Vasseur, F.; Baldrich, P.; Jimenez-Gongora, T.; Villar-Martin, L.; Weigel, D.; Rubio-Somoza, I.: miR472 deficiency enhances Arabidopsis thaliana defence without reducing seed production. (eingereicht)
Kreiner, J.; Latorre, S.; Burbano, H.; Stinchcombe, J.; Otto, S.; Weigel, D.; Wright, S.: Rapid weed adaptation and range expansion in response to agriculture over the last two centuries. (eingereicht)
Monroe, J.; Murray, K.; Xian, W.; Carbonell-Bejerano, P.; Fenster, C.; Weigel, D.: Report of mutation biases mirroring selection in Arabidopsis thaliana unlikely to be entirely due to variant calling errors. (eingereicht)
Czech, L.; Peng, Y.; Spence, J.; Lang, P.; Bellagio, T.; Hildebrandt, J.; Fritschi, K.; Schwab, R.; Rowan, B.; GrENE-net consortium et al.; Weigel, D.; Scheepens, J.; Vasseur, F.; Exposito-Alonso, M.: Monitoring rapid evolution of plant populations at scale with Pool-Sequencing. (eingereicht)
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Duque-Jaramillo, A.; Kersten, S.; Bezrukov, I.; Schröppel, B.; Symeonidi, E.; Lundberg, D.; Regalado, J.; Shirsekar, G. et al.; Bergelson, J.; Weigel, D.: The relationship between microbial population size and disease in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere. (eingereicht)
Rabbani, L.; Müller, J.; Weigel, D.: An Algorithm to Build a Multi-genome Reference. (eingereicht)
Srikant, T.; Wibowo, A.; Schwab, R.; Weigel, D.: Position-dependent effects of cytosine methylation on FWA expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. (eingereicht)
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