Publikationen von RJ Sommer

Meeting Abstract (85)

Meeting Abstract
Susoy, V.; Herrmann, M.; Sommer, R.: Bark-beetle-associated nematodes of the family Diplogastridae. In DGaaE Entomologentagung 2011, S. 154. Entomologentagung 2011, Berlin, Germany, 21. März 2011 - 24. März 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Dieterich, C.; Mayer, W.; Schuster, L.; Herrmann, M.; Sommer, R.: Transcriptome profiling of 7 Pristionchus species: Horizontal gene transfer, novel gene families and gene turnover. In 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, 51, S. 90. 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 24. Juni 2009 - 28. Juni 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Ogawa, A.; Sommer, R.: Genetic analysis of dauer formation in Pristionchus pacificus reveals conserved and diverse aspects of signaling mechanisms. In 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, 140, S. 141. 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 24. Juni 2009 - 28. Juni 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Wang, X.; Sommer, R.: DNA-mediated transformation in Pristionchus pacificus reveals novel functions of Wnt signaling in vulva induction. In 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, 3, S. 73. 17th International C. Elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 24. Juni 2009 - 28. Juni 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Rae, R.; Bento, G.; Sommer, R.: The genome of Pristionchus pacificus and implications for the evolution of parasitism. In Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites V, S. 18. HYDRA 2008: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites V, Hydra, Greece, 12. September 2008 - 17. September 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Ogawa, A.; Sommer, R.: Conserved and Divergent Aspects of Dauer Formation between Pristionchus pacificus and Caenorhabditis elegans. In 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), S. 36. 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), Brisbane, Australia, 13. Juli 2008 - 18. Juli 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Sommer, R.: The Genome of Pristionchus pacificus and Implications for the Evolution of Parasitism. In 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), S. 87. 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), Brisbane, Australia, 13. Juli 2008 - 18. Juli 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Sommer, R.: Genetic and Transgenic Approaches in the Nematode Model Pristionchus pacificus. In 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), S. 162. 5th International Congress of Nematology (ICN 2008), Brisbane, Australia, 13. Juli 2008 - 18. Juli 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Bento, G.; Ogawa, A.; Sommer, R.: Genetic and environmental control of phenotypic plasticity in the mouth forms of Pristionchus pacificus. In European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), T-22, S. 43. European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), Carmona, Spain, 29. März 2008 - 02. April 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Rae, R.; Sommer, R.: Isolation of naturally associated bacteria of necromenic Pristionchus nematodes and assessment of fitness consequences. In European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), T-33, S. 54. European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), Carmona, Spain, 29. März 2008 - 02. April 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Herrmann, M.; Mayer, W.; Sommer, R.: The nematode genus Pristionchus: a model for cryptic speciation, Haldane´s rule and species invasion. In 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS 2007), S. 31. 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS 2007), Wien, Austria, 20. Februar 2007 - 23. Februar 2007. (2007)
Meeting Abstract
Herrmann, M.; Mayer, W.; Sommer, R.: Integration von Ökologie, Evolutions- und Entwicklungsbiologie in der Nematodengattung Pristionchus. In Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft: Zusammenfassungen der Arbeitskreisbeiträge, S. 12. Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft: AK Nematologie, Braunschweig, Germany, 13. März 2007. (2007)
Meeting Abstract
Hong, R.; Sommer, R.: Sense in Sensitivity: The Evolution of Chemosensory Behavior in Entomonecromenic Nematodes Pristionchus. In Evolution 2006. Evolution 2006: American Society of Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 23. Juni 2006 - 27. Juni 2006. (2006)
Meeting Abstract
Rudel, D.; Sommer, R.: Changes in Gonad Arm Extension and the Evolution of Gonad Morphology in Nematodes. In European Worm Meeting 2006, T-076, S. 85. European Worm Meeting 2006 (EWM 2006), Hersonissos, Greece, 29. März 2006 - 03. April 2006. (2006)
Meeting Abstract
Schlager, B.; Sommer, R.: An Ancestral Module Patterns a Derived Nematode Vulva Equivalence Group. In European Worm Meeting 2006, T-070, S. 79. European Worm Meeting 2006 (EWM 2006), Hersonissos, Greece, 29. März 2006 - 03. April 2006. (2006)
Meeting Abstract
Sommer, R.: Two species is more than one: Comparing Pristionchus Pacificus with the model Caenorhabditis Elegans. In CDB Symposium 2006: Logic of Development: New Strategies and Concepts, S8-3. CDB Symposium 2006: Logic of Development: New Strategies and Concepts, Kobe, Japan, 10. April 2006 - 12. April 2006. (2006)
Meeting Abstract
Herrmann, M.; Mayer, W.; Sommer, R.: Diplogastrid Nematodes on Scarab-Beetles: Association and Co-Evolution. In VI Reunión Latinoamericana de Scarabaeoidología. VI Reunión Latinoamericana de Scarabaeoidología, Mercedes, Costa Rica, 10. Oktober 2004 - 16. Oktober 2004. (2004)
Meeting Abstract
Herrmann, M.; Mayer, W.; Sommer, R.: Diplogastrid nematodes on beetles: diversity in a limited habitat. In 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, S. 31. 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS 2004), Stuttgart, Germany, 14. September 2004 - 17. September 2004. (2004)
Meeting Abstract
Rudel, D.; Riebesell, M.; Sommer, R.: Gonadogenesis in P. pacificus and the comparative development of organs. In Developmental Biology, 271 (2), 52, S. 558. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB 2004), Calgary, Canada, 24. Juli 2004 - 28. Juli 2004. Academic Press, San Diego [etc.] (2004)
Meeting Abstract
Srinivasan, J.; Sommer, R.: Mapping and cloning of generation vulvaless mutants of Pristionchus pacificus. In 2002 West Coast Worm Meeting, 159, S. 176. 2002 West Coast Worm Meeting (WCWM 2002), San Diego, CA, USA, 10. August 2002 - 13. August 2002. (2002)
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