Publikationen von RJ Sommer

Meeting Abstract (85)

Meeting Abstract
Sommer, R.: Evolution of vulva development in nematodes: from genetics and genomics to gene function. In Developmental Biology, 247 (2), 374, S. 520. 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB 2002), Madison, WI, USA, 21. Juli 2002 - 25. Juli 2002. Academic Press, San Diego [etc.] (2002)
Meeting Abstract
Pires da Silva, A.; Sommer, R.: Evolution of sex determination mechanisms in nematodes. In 2002 Midwest Worm Meeting, 458071, S. 55. 2002 Midwest Worm Meeting (MWWM 2002), St. Louis, MO, USA, 28. Juni 2002 - 30. Juni 2002. (2002)
Meeting Abstract
Gutierrez, A.; Sommer, R.: Ray formation and the evolution of nematode Hox proteins. In European C. elegans Meeting 2002, 43, S. 55. European C. elegans Meeting 2002 (EWM 2002), Paestum, Italy, 18. Mai 2002 - 22. Mai 2002. (2002)
Meeting Abstract
Gutierrez, A.; Sommer, R.: Evolution of homeotic gene function in nematodes. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 779, S. 779. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Kenning, C.; Schlak, I.; Sommer, R.: Large scale analysis and genetic characterization of dumpy mutants in Pristionchus pacificus. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 1068, S. 1068. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Lee, K.-Z.; Sommer, R.: Programmed cell death in Pristionchus pacificus. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 633, S. 633. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Pires da Silva, A.; Sommer, R.: Pristionchus pacificus mutants defective in vulva induction. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 1034, S. 1034. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Sinz, W.; Srinivasan, J.; Sommer, R.: Microevolutionary analysis of the nematode genus Pristionchus. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 587, S. 587. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Srinivasan, J.; Sinz, W.; Sommer, R.: Towards a physical and genetic map of Pristionchus pacificus. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 236, S. 236. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Zheng, M.; Sommer, R.: Cell fate specification during vulva formation in Pristionchus pacificus. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 1035, S. 1035. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22. Juni 2001 - 26. Juni 2001. (2001)
Meeting Abstract
Jungblut, B.; Sommer, R.: Novel cell-cell interactions during vulva development in Pristionchus pacificus. In 2000 West Coast Worm Meeting, 159, S. 87. 2000 West Coast Worm Meeting (WCWM 2000), Los Angeles, CA, USA. (2000)

Vortrag (9)

Sommer, R.: Novel mechanisms of transgenerational inheritance: lessons from unbiased forward genetics in a novel nematode model system. XXIIIrd International Congress of Genetics: Genetics and Genomics: Linking Life and Society, Melbourne, Australia (2023)
Sommer, R.: What’s Wrong with Evolutionary Theory? Max-Planck-Campus Tübingen: Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series (DSSS), Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Sommer, R.: What´s wrong with evolutionary theory? A perspective from a developmentally plastic and environmentally responsive organism. ETH Zürich: Department of Environmental Systems Science , Zürich, Switzerland (2023)
Sommer, R.: Life and science on a tropical island. Max-Planck-Campus Tübingen: Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series (DSSS), Tübingen, Germany (2021)
Sommer, R.: From alternative phenotypes to nature and nurture: Mary Jane West-Eberhard and her journey towards a true developmental evolutionary biology. 3rd Biennial Meeting of the Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (PASEDB 2019), Miami, FL, USA (2019)
Sommer, R.: Molecular aspects of developmental plasticity: On novel genes, chromatin remodeling and developmental switch mechanisms. Inaugural Biennial Meeting of the Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (PASEDB 2015), Berkeley, CA, USA (2019)
Sommer, R.: Mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity: from developmental switch genes and epigenetics to the environment. bioSeminars: Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland (2016)
Sommer, R.: How important are novel and fast evolving genes for your nematode? A case study in Pristionchus. HYDRA 2016: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites X, Hydra, Greece (2016)
Sommer, R.: Integrative evolutionary biology: a need for interdisciplinary studies of development, ecology and population genetics. University of Cambridge: Evolution and Development Seminar Series, Cambridge, UK (2012)
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