Publikationen von C Weiler

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Peter, D.; Igreja, C.; Weber, R.; Wohlbold, L.; Weiler, C.; Ebertsch, L.; Weichenrieder, O.; Izaurralde, E.: Molecular architecture of 4E-BP translational inhibitors bound to eIF4E. Molecular Cell 57 (6), S. 1074 - 1087 (2015)
Igreja, C.; Peter, D.; Weiler, C.; Izaurralde, E.: 4E-BPs require non-canonical 4E-binding motifs and a lateral surface of eIF4E to repress translation. Nature Communications 5, 4790 (2014)
Wittkopp, N.; Huntzinger, E.; Weiler, C.; Saulière, J.; Schmidt, S.; Sonawane, M.; Izaurralde, E.: Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay effectors are essential for zebrafish embryonic development and survival. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 29 (13), S. 3517 - 3528 (2009)
Laue, K.; Daujat, S.; Crump Gage, J.; Plaster, N.; Roehl, H.; van Bebber, F.; Busch-Nentwich, E.; Dahm, R.; Frohnhöfer, H.; Geiger, H. et al.; Gilmour, S.; Holley, S.; Hooge, J.; Jülich, J.; Knaut, H.; Maderspacher, F.; Maischein, H.-M.; Neumann, C.; Nicolson, T.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Schoenberger, U.; Seiler, C.; Söllner, C.; Sonawane, M.; Wehner, A.; Erker, P.; Habeck, H.; Hagner, U.; Hennen, C.; Kaps, E.; Kirchner, A.; Koblitzek, T.; Langenreich, U.; Loesche, C.; Metzger, C.; Nordin, R.; Odenthal, J.; Pezzuti, M.; Schlombs, K.; deSatana-Stamm, J.; Trowe, T.; Vacun, G.; Walderich, B.; Walker, A.; Weiler, C.; Kimmel, C.; Schneider, R.; Hammerschmidt, M.: The multidomain protein Brpf1 binds histones and is required for Hox gene expression and segmental identity. Development 135 (11), S. 1935 - 1946 (2008)
Pelegri, F.; Dekens, M.; Schulte-Merker, S.; Maischein, H.-M.; Weiler, C.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Identification of recessive maternal-effect mutations in the zebrafish using a gynogenesis-based method. Developmental Dynamics 231 (2), S. 324 - 335 (2004)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Peter, D.; Igreja, C.; Weber, R.; Wohlbold, L.; Weiler, C.; Ebertsch, L.; Weichenrieder, O.; Izaurralde, E.: Molecular architecture of 4E-BP translational inhibitors bound to eIF4E. In Twentieth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, 92, S. 116. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Madison, WI, USA, 26. Mai 2015 - 31. Mai 2015. (2015)

Poster (2)

Vlková-Žlebková, M.; Weiler, C.; Evseeva, D.; Gopalan-Nair, R.; McCann, H.: Diversity of RPM1 and RPS2 homologs in kiwifruit wild relatives. TSL Summer Conference in Plant-Microbe Interactions, Norwich, UK (2024)
Vlková, M.; Weiler, C.; Evseeva, D.; Gopalan-Nair, R.; Yuen, F.-W.; McCann, H.: Evolution of Actinidia resistance genes. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023), Lyon, France (2023)

Preprint (1)

Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Kucka, M.; Weiler, C.; Franzl, C.; Vlková-Žlebková, M.; Colombi, E.; Chan, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E. et al.; McCann, H.: Emergence and host range expansion of an epidemic lineage of Ralstonia solanacearum. (eingereicht)
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