Publikationen von SM Coelho
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Meeting Abstract (36)
Meeting Abstract
Structural analyses of the brown algae. In Eighth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy (ER-C 2024), S. 81. Eighth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy (PICO 2024), Kasteel Vaalsbroek, The Netherlands, 21. April 2024 - 25. April 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
59 (Supplement 1), S. S105. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France, 20. August 2023 - 26. August 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2024)
Unveiling mechanisms of sexual differentiation using feminized males of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. In European Journal of Phycology, 103.
Meeting Abstract
59 (Supplement 1), S. S101. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France, 20. August 2023 - 26. August 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2024)
Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In European Journal of Phycology, 104.
Meeting Abstract
Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra. In SMBE 2023, S. 385 - 386. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2023 (SMBE 2023), Ferrara, Italy, 23. Juli 2023 - 27. Juli 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Structural analyses of the brown algae Ectocarpus. In Microscopy Conference (MC 2023), LS3.003, S. 331. Microscopy Conference (MC 2023), Darmstadt, Germany, 26. Februar 2023 - 02. März 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Genomic and genetic resources to accelerate breeding of brown seaweeds. In 24th International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2023), S. 257. 24th International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2023), Hobart, Australia, 19. Februar 2023 - 24. Februar 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Genetic tools for selection of heat tolerant cultivars of Saccharina latissima. In 24th International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2023), S. 259. 24th International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2023), Hobart, Australia, 19. Februar 2023 - 24. Februar 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra. In 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), S. 9. 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), London, UK, 04. Januar 2023 - 06. Januar 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), S. 3. 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), London, UK, 04. Januar 2023 - 06. Januar 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Sex chromosomes evolution: New insights from brown algae. In AlgaeEurope 2021, S. 128 - 129. AlgaeEurope 2021, 07. Dezember 2021 - 10. Oktober 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Structural analyses of the brown algae Ectocarpus. In Microscopy Conference (MC 2021): Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, LS1.P011, S. 319. Microscopy Conference (MC 2021): Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung &
Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Wien, Austria, 22. August 2021 - 26. August 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
54 (Supplement 1), 8OR.1, S. 71. 7th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2019), Zagreb, Croatia, 25. August 2019 - 30. August 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2019)
V for Sex Chromosome. In European Journal of Phycology, 113.
Meeting Abstract
54 (Supplement 1), 5KN.1, S. 51. 7th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2019), Zagreb, Croatia, 25. August 2019 - 30. August 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2019)
Evolution of Life-Cycle-Related Developmental Processes in the BRown Algae. In European Journal of Phycology, 114.
Meeting Abstract
54 (Supplement 1), 15KN.1, S. 102. 7th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2019), Zagreb, Croatia, 25. August 2019 - 30. August 2019. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2019)
The evolutionary dynamics of brown algal sex chromosomes. In European Journal of Phycology, 115.
Meeting Abstract
Piloting genome editing of the brown algal model Ectocarpus. In 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), OR 30-4, S. 147. 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), Jeju, North Korea, 28. April 2019 - 03. Mai 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Genetic Tools For The Development Of Improved Cultivars Of Saccharina latissima. In 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), OR 30-1, S. 146. 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), Jeju, North Korea, 28. April 2019 - 03. Mai 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Genetic diversity exploitation of Saccharina latissima for innovative macro-algal biorefinery in Europe. In 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), MS 13-1, S. 78. 23rd International Seaweed Symposium (ISS 2019), Jeju, North Korea, 28. April 2019 - 03. Mai 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Genetic Diversity in the UV Sex Chromosomes of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus. In GDRI Diversity, Evolution and Biotechnology of Marine algae workshop "Sex and reproduction in marine algae". GDRI Diversity, Evolution and Biotechnology of Marine algae workshop "Sex and reproduction in marine algae", Roscoff, France, 28. Januar 2019 - 30. Januar 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
56 (4 Supplement), 168, S. 81 - 82. 11th International Phycological Congress (IPC 2017), Szczecin, Poland, 13. August 2017 - 19. August 2017. International Phycological Society, Odense (2017)
Female-dominant asexual populations of the brown alga Scytosiphon Lomentaria in Japan. In Phycologia, 120.
Meeting Abstract
56 (4 Supplement), 249, S. 119. 11th International Phycological Congress (IPC 2017), Szczecin, Poland, 13. August 2017 - 19. August 2017. International Phycological Society, Odense (2017)
Origin and evolution of the sexes in the brown algae. In Phycologia,