Publikationen von V Schünemann

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Immel, A.; Key, F.; Szolek, A.; Barquera, R.; Robinson, M.; Harrison, G.; Palmer, W.; Spyrou, M.; Susat, J.; Krause-Kyora, B. et al.: Analysis of genomic DNA from medieval plague victims suggests long-term effect of Yersinia pestis on human immunity genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (10), S. 4059 - 4079 (2021)
Strack, P.; Brodie, E.; Zhan, H.; Schuenemann, V.; Valente, L.; Saiyed, T.; Lowth, B.; Angley, L.; Perugini, M.; Zeth, K. et al.: Polymerase delta-interacting protein 38 (PDIP38) modulates the stability and activity of the mitochondrial AAA+ protease CLPXP. Communications Biology 3 (1), 646 (2020)
Micevski, D.; Zeth, K.; Mulhern, T.; Schuenemann, V.; Zammit, J.; Truscott, K.; Dougan, D.: Insight into the RssB-Mediated Recognition and Delivery of σ s to the AAA+ Protease, ClpXP. Biomolecules 10 (4), 615 (2020)
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Becker, C.; Schuenemann, V.; Reiter, E.; Setzer, C.; Slovak, R.; Brachi, B.; Hagmann, J.; Grimm, D.; Chen, J. et al.: The rate and potential relevance of new mutations in a colonizing plant lineage. PLoS Genetics 14 (2), e1007155 (2018)
Swarts, K.; Gutaker, R.; Benz, B.; Blake, M.; Bukowski, R.; Holland, J.; Kruse-Peeples, M.; Lepak, N.; Prim, L.; Romay, M. et al.: Genomic estimation of complex traits reveals ancient maize adaptation to temperate North America. Science 357 (6350), S. 512 - 515 (2017)
Kasulin, L.; Rowan, B.; Leon, R.; Schünemann, V.; Weigel, D.; Botto, J.: A single haplotype hyposensitive to light and requiring strong vernalization dominates Arabidopsis thaliana populations in Patagonia, Argentina. Molecular Ecology 26 (13), S. 3389 - 3404 (2017)
Gutaker, R.; Reiter, E.; Furtwängler, A.; Schünemann, V.; Burbano, H.: Extraction of ultrashort DNA molecules from herbarium specimens. Biotechniques 62 (2), S. 76 - 79 (2017)
Weiß, C.; Schünemann, V.; Devos, J.; Shirsekar, G.; Reiter, E.; Gould, B.; Stinchcombe, J.; Krause, J.; Burbano, H.: Temporal patterns of damage and decay kinetics of DNA retrieved from plant herbarium specimens. Royal Society Open Science 3 (6), 160239 (2016)
Yoshida, K.; Schuenemann, V.; Cano, L.; Pais, M.; Mishra, B.; Sharma, R.; Lanz, C.; Martin, F.; Kamoun, S.; Krause, J. et al.: The rise and fall of the Phytophthora infestans lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine. eLife 2, e00731 (2013)
Paulmann, M.; Arnold, T.; Linke, D.; Özdirekcan, S.; Kopp, A.; Gutsmann, T.; Kalbacher, H.; Wanke, I.; Schuenemann, V.; Habeck, M. et al.: Structure-activity analysis of the dermcidin-derived peptide DCD-1L, an anionic antimicrobial peptide present in human sweat. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (11), S. 8434 - 8443 (2012)
Schuenemann, V.; Kralik, S.; Albrecht, R.; Spall, S.; Truscott, K.; Dougan, D.; Zeth, K.: Structural basis of N-end rule substrate recognition in Escherichia coli by the ClpAP adaptor protein ClpS. EMBO Reports 10 (5), S. 508 - 514 (2009)
Schmidt, O.; Schuenemann, V.; Hand, N.; Silhavy, T.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.; Djuranovic, S.: prlF and yhaV encode a new toxin-antitoxin system in Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Biology 372 (4), S. 894 - 905 (2007)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Swarts, K.; Gutaker, R.; Benz, B.; Blake, M.; Bukowski, R.; Holland, J.; Kruse-Peeples, M.; Lepak, N.; Prim, L.; Romay, M. et al.: Origins of Temperate Adapted Maize. In Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (PAG 2018), W669, S. 147. Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (PAG 2018), San Diego, CA, USA, 13. Januar 2018 - 17. Januar 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Swarts, K.; Gutaker, R.; Schuenemann, V.; Benz, B.; Blake, M.; Bukowski, R.; Holland, J.; Kruse-Peeples, M.; Lepak, N.; Matson, R. et al.: Genomic estimation of complex traits reveals ancient maize adaptation to temperate North America. In SMBE 2017, POA-113, S. 495. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2017 (SMBE 2017), Austin, TX, USA, 02. Juli 2017 - 06. Juli 2017. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Rowan, B.; Kasulin, L.; Schuenemann, V.; Borevitz, J.; Krause, J.; Weigel, D.: Demographic history and genetic diversity of modern and herbarium collections of Arabidopsis thaliana from the Southern Hemisphere. In 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2014), 360, S. 169. 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2014), Vancouver, Canada, 28. Juli 2014 - 01. August 2014. (2014)

Poster (1)

Swarts, K.; Gutaker, R.; Schuenemann, V.; Benz, B.; Blake, M.; Bukowski, R.; Holland, J.; Kruse-Peeples, M.; Lepak, N.; Matson, R. et al.: Genomic estimation of complex traits in archaeological maize reveals ancient adaptation to temperate North America. 59th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA (2017)