Publikationen von A Mongera

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Wang, L.; Mongera, A.; Bonanomi, D.; Cyganek, L.; Pfaff, S.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Marquardt, T.: A conserved axon type hierarchy governing peripheral nerve assembly. Development 141 (9), S. 1875 - 1883 (2014)
Mongera, A.; Dooley, C.: Of white tigers and solute carriers. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 26 (6), S. 787 - 789 (2013)
Mongera, A.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Scales of fish arise from mesoderm. Current Biology 23 (9), S. R338 - R339 (2013)
Dooley, C.; Mongera, A.; Walderich, B.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: On the embryonic origin of adult melanophores: the role of ErbB and Kit signalling in establishing melanophore stem cells in zebrafish. Development 140 (5), S. 1003 - 1013 (2013)
Dooley, C.; Schwarz, H.; Mueller, K.; Mongera, A.; Konantz, M.; Neuhauss, S.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Geisler, R.: Slc45a2 and V-ATPase are regulators of melanosomal pH homeostasis in zebrafish, providing a mechanism for human pigment evolution and disease. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 26 (2), S. 205 - 217 (2013)
Mongera, A.; Singh, A.; Levesque, M.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Konstantinidis, P.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Genetic lineage labeling in zebrafish uncovers novel neural crest contributions to the head, including gill pillar cells. Development 140 (4), S. 916 - 925 (2013)
Moro, E.; Ozhan-Kizil, G.; Mongera, A.; Beis, D.; Wierzbicki , C.; Young, R.; Bournele, D.; Domenichini, A.; Valdivia, L.; Lum, L. et al.: In vivo Wnt signaling tracing through a transgenic biosensor fish reveals novel activity domains. Developmental Biology 366 (2), S. 327 - 340 (2012)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Hockman, D.; Burns, A.; Mongera, A.; Fisher, S.; Knapik, E.; Kelsh, R.; Baker, C.: The development and evolution of Oxygen-sensing cells. In International Society of Developmental Biologists: 17th International Congress of Developmental Biology, 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, VII Latin American Society of Developmental Biology Meeting, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Biologia del Desarrollo, 60, S. 18. International Society of Developmental Biologists: 17th International Congress of Developmental Biology, 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, VII Latin American Society of Developmental Biology Meeting, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Biologia del Desarrollo, Cancun, Mexico, 16. Juni 2013 - 20. Juni 2013. (2013)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Mongera, A.: The Role of Neural Crest in Vertebrate Evolution: Tissue-specific Genetic Labeling in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Reveals Neural Crest Contribution to Gills, but Not to Scales [Die Rolle der Neuralleiste bei der Evolution der Wirbeltiere: Der Nachweis des Beitrags der Neuralleiste zu den Kiemen, aber nicht den Schuppen durch gewebsspezifische genetische Markierung beim Zebrafish]. Dissertation, 108 S., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2013)