Publikationen von T Raisch
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (10)
41 (9), e110411 (2022)
Structure of the RZZ complex and molecular basis of Spindly-driven corona assembly at human kinetochores. The EMBO Journal 2.
2 (5), e201900405 (2019)
HELZ directly interacts with CCR4-NOT and causes decay of bound mRNAs. Life science alliance 3.
10, 3173 (2019)
Reconstitution of recombinant human CCR4-NOT reveals molecular insights into regulated deadenylation. Nature Communications 4.
33 (3-4), S. 236 - 252 (2019)
A conserved CAF40-binding motif in metazoan NOT4 mediates association with the CCR4-NOT complex. Genes and Development 5.
204 (3), S. 388 - 395 (2018)
Structural and biochemical analysis of a NOT1 MIF4G-like domain of the CCR4-NOT complex. Journal of Structural Biology 6.
24 (3), S. 381 - 395 (2018)
Drosophila Bag-of-marbles directly interacts with the CAF40 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex to elicit repression of mRNA targets. RNA-A Publication of the RNA Society 7.
8, 14307 (2017)
A CAF40-binding motif facilitates recruitment of the CCR4-NOT complex to mRNAs targeted by Drosophila Roquin. Nature Communications 8.
35 (9), S. 974 - 990 (2016)
Distinct modes of recruitment of the CCR4-NOT complex by Drosophila and vertebrate Nanos. EMBO Journal 9.
28 (8), S. 888 - 901 (2014)
Structural basis for the Nanos-mediated recruitment of the CCR4-NOT complex and translational repression. Genes and Development 10.
20 (11), S. 1289 - 1297 (2013)
Structure and assembly of the NOT module of the human CCR4-NOT complex. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Assembly and function of the NOT module of the CCR4-NOT complex. In 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), 96, S. 54. 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), Davos, Switzerland, 11. Juni 2013 - 16. Juni 2013. (2013)
Poster (1)
Nanos recruits the CCR4-NOT complex to induce degradation of mRNA targets. 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), Davos, Switzerland (2013)