
Publikationen von MH Claaßen

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Claaßen, C.; Rebers, L.; Claaßen, M.; Borchers, K.; Tovar, G.; Southan, A.: Expanding the Range of Available Isoelectric Points of Highly Methacryloylated Gelatin. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 220 (14), 1900097 (2019)
Sewald, L.; Claaßen, C.; Götz, T.; Claaßen, M.; Truffault, V.; Tovar, G.; Southan, A.; Borchers, K.: Beyond the Modification Degree: Impact of Raw Material on Physicochemical Properties of Gelatin Type A and Type B Methacryloyls. Macromolecular Bioscience 18 (12), e1800168 (2018)
Werner, M.; Claaßen, M.; Renahan, T.; Dardiry, M.; Sommer, R.: Adult Influence on Juvenile Phenotypes by Stage-Specific Pheromone Production. iScience 10, S. 123 - 134 (2018)
Claaßen, C.; Claaßen, M.; Gohl, F.; Tovar, G.; Borchers, K.; Southan, A.: Photoinduced Cleavage and Hydrolysis of o-Nitrobenzyl Linker and Covalent Linker Immobilization in Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels. Macromolecular Bioscience 18 (9), e1800104 (2018)
Falcke, J.; Bose, N.; Artyukhin, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Markov, G.; Yim, J.; Grimm, D.; Claassen, M.; Panda, O.; Baccile, J. et al.; Zhang, Y.; Le, H.; Jolic, D.; Schroeder, F.; Sommer, R.: Linking Genomic and Metabolomic Natural Variation Uncovers Nematode Pheromone Biosynthesis. Cell Chemical Biology 25 (6), S. 787 - 796 (2018)
Claaßen, C.; Claaßen, M.; Truffault, V.; Sewald, L.; Tovar, G.; Borchers, K.; Southan, A.: Quantification of Substitution of Gelatin Methacryloyl: Best Practice and Current Pitfalls. Biomacromolecules 19 (1), S. 42 - 52 (2018)
Markov, G.; Meyer, J.; Panda, O.; Artyukhin, A.; Claaßen, M.; Witte, H.; Schroeder, F.; Sommer, R.: Functional Conservation and Divergence of daf-22 Paralogs in Pristionchus pacificus Dauer Development. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33 (10), S. 2506 - 2514 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Rebers, L.; Claaßen, C.; Götz, T.; Claaßen, M.: Physico-Chemical Properties of Gelatin Type A and Type B Methacryloyls Depend on their Raw Materials. In Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomaterials 2018. Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomaterials 2018, Braunschweig, Germany, 08. November 2018 - 10. November 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Rebers, L.; Claaßen, C.; Götz, T.; Claaßen, M.: Impact of conditioning process related properties on material properties of methacryloylated type A and type B gelatin. In 29th European Conference on Biomaterials 2018. 29th European Conference on Biomaterials 2018, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 09. September 2018 - 13. September 2018. (2018)

Poster (2)

Renahan, T.; Werner, M.; Claaßen, M.; Sommer, R.: Competitive strategies of the predatory nematode P. pacificus: “boom and bust” dynamics and cross-generational pheromone signaling. 3rd Biennial Meeting of the Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (PASEDB 2019), Miami, FL, USA (2019)
Markov, G.; Meyer, J.; Panda, O.; Claassen, M.; Witte, H.; Schroeder, F.; Sommer, R.: Evolution of metabolic pathways in nematodes: integrating genomics and metabolomics. Journées Ouvertes de Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM 2015), Clermont-Ferrand, France (2015)
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