Algal Development and Evolution

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Brinkmeier, J.; Coelho, S.; de Massy, B.; Bourbon, H.-M.: Evolution and diversity of the TopoVI and TopoVI-like subunits with extensive divergence of the TOPOVIBL subunit. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (11), msac227 (2022)
Journal Article
Schimpf, N.; Liesner, D.; Franke, K.; Roleda, M.; Bartsch, I.: Microscopic Stages of North Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) Exhibit Trait-Dependent Thermal Adaptation Along Latitudes. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 870792 (2022)
Journal Article
Cossard, G.; Godfroy, O.; Nehr, Z.; Cruaud, C.; Cock, J.; Lipinska, A.; Coelho, S.: Selection drives the evolution of convergent gene expression changes during transitions to co-sexuality in haploid sexual systems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (5), pp. 579 - 589 (2022)
Journal Article
Gauci, C.; Bartsch, I.; Martins, N.; Liesner, D.: Cold thermal priming of Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) gametophytes enhances gametogenesis and thermal performance of sporophytes. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 862923 (2022)
Journal Article
Gueno, J.; Borg, M.; Bourdareau, S.; Cossard, G.; Godfroy, O.; Lipinska, A.; Tirichine, T.; Cock, J.; Coelho, S.: Chromatin landscape associated with sexual differentiation in a UV sex determination system. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (6), gkac145, pp. 3307 - 3322 (2022)
Journal Article
Liesner, D.; Pearson, G.; Bartsch, I.; Rana, S.; Harms, L.; Heinrich, S.; Bischof, K.; Glöckner, G.; Valentin, K.: Increased Heat Resilience of Intraspecific Outbred Compared to Inbred Lineages in the Kelp Laminaria digitata: Physiology and Transcriptomics. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 838793 (2022)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Coelho, S.; Cock, J.: Genetic and Developmental Mechanisms of Cellular Differentiation in Algae. In: The Evolution of Multicellularity, 15, pp. 1 - 24 (Eds. Herron, M.; Conlin, P.; Ratcliff, W.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2022)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Guerra, C.: Unravelling the role of a High Mobility Group (HMG) domain gene in sex determination of the brown alga Ectocarpus. In 2nd EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, 6º Encontro em Biologia Funcional e Biotecnologia de Plantas, AO19. 2nd EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, 6º Encontro em Biologia Funcional e Biotecnologia de Plantas, Porto, Portugal, November 02, 2022 - November 03, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Misra, C.; Sousa, A.; Borg, M.; Becker, J.: Transcriptome reprogramming in the Arabidopsis male germline during the progamic phase. In 26th International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction (ICSPR 2022), AT3.4, p. 50. 26th International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction (ICSPR 2022), Praha, Czech Republic, June 20, 2022 - June 24, 2022. (2022)

Talk (8)

Martinho, C.: Defying Mendel’s laws: sulfurea paramutation unveils new principles of epigenetic inheritance in tomato. GDCB Seminar: Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA (2022)
Coelho, S.: Algal Development and Evolution. Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany (2022)
Coelho, S.: Evolution du déterminisme du sexe. Conférences Scientifiques: Les 150 ans de la Station Biologique de Roscoff , Paris, France (2022)
Coelho, S.: A 20-year journey uncovering the private life of brown algae. Symposium 150 Years of the Station Biologique de Roscoff, Paris, France (2022)
Coelho, S.: The secret life of brown seaweeds. 10th International Meeting on Plant Peptides and Receptors, Oslo, Norway (2022)
Coelho, S.: Origin and evolution of the sexes: lessons from non-metazoans cousins. cjm3-2022: Origin of Metazoans, Roscoff, France (2022)
Coelho, S.: Chromatin in brown algae: evo-chromo in a billion-year time scale. EMBO Workshop Evo-chromo: Evolutionary approaches to research in chromatin, Aarhus, Denmark (2022)
Coelho, S.: Evolution of sex determining mechanisms in the brown algae. Wellcome Connecting Science Conference: Evolutionary Systems Biology, Hinxton, UK (2022)

Poster (2)

Lipinska, A.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Godfroy, O.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Oliveira, M. et al.; Ostrock, L.; Plastino, E.; Scornet, D.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2022), Praha, Czech Republic (2022)
Brillet-Guéguen, L.; Le Bars, A.; Dallet, R.; Le Corguillé, G.; Godfroy, O.; Cock, J.; Coelho, S.; Corre, E.: The Phaeoexplorer Database: a Multi-Scale Genomic and Transcriptomic Data Resource for the Brown Algae. International Conference on Biology, Informatics, and Mathematics (JOBIM 2022), Rennes, France (2022)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Reis Guerra, C.: Unravelling the role of a High Mobility Group (HMG) domain gene in sex determination of the brown alga Ectocarpus. Dissertation, 62 pp., Universidade do Porto: Faculdade de Ciencias, Porto, Portugal (2022)
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