Events and Talks

The Max Planck Institute for Biology hosts several seminars. All presentations are in English and students and scientists from other institutions are always welcome.

1. Regular Talks Series

Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series

The Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series is a joint colloquium of the Max Planck Institute for Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory. External (inter)national guest speakers alternate with our own scientists presenting a range of exciting research that reflects the diversity of our institutes. Each seminar is followed by  opportunities to discuss research findings further with the speakers in an informal small group or 1-1 setting.

Time: Friday at 3:00 pm (according to announcement)
Place: In the seminar room of the MPI IS building, the MPI-Bio seminar room or online.
Organisers: Cátia Igreja, Michael Borg

Contact: Researcher Support Team

DSSS - Programmed genome elimination in the ciliate Paramecium, a definitive form of transposon silencing

  • Date: Feb 21, 2025
  • Time: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Sandra Duharcourt
  • Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité, CNRS
  • Location: NO.002, MPI für Intelligente Systeme
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BioConnect Seminar Series

The BioConnect Seminar Series provides an opportunity for presentations of ongoing research projects by our postdocs, advanced doctoral researchers, group and project leaders, as well as facility heads.

The objective of those seminars is to discuss current work on projects, ideas and results in a bigger round, to get feedback and to facilitate collaborations.

Internal event only.
Date: first and third Wednesday of the month
Organisers: Birte Hernandez, Jörg Martin and Elisabeth Weir

Career Seminar Series

The Career Seminar Series (CSS), organised by the Researcher Support Team, aims to to provide our researchers with an overview of academic and non-academic career possibilities. In the monthly seminars life science doctoral graduates, who have taken different career routes, share their career so far, the day-to-day activities in their current role as well as the challenges and the expertise required for their positions.

Place: online
Contact: Sibylle Patheiger, Elisabeth Weir

Upcoming CSS Lectures

CSS - The journey from small town Canada to becoming an immunology researcher in Germany

Feb 27, 2025 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
MPI for Biology, Max-Planck-Ring 5, Room: 0A01

2. Symposiums

African Plant Genomics Symposium
The African Plant Genomics Symposium is an eagerly awaited event to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2025, from the 10 to 11 April 2025. The aim is building a network, supporting a unified agenda for plant genomics in Africa, and launching the Africa Plant Genomics Society. Scientists and organisations working with African plants are invited to share their perspectives and strategies for research, and build a network that supports the continent’s plant genomics research. more
SMBE Satellite Meeting on Origin, Maintenance and Evolution of Biological Noise
The Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) Satellite Meeting on Origin, Maintenance and Evolution of Biological Noise will bring together a diverse community of researchers – theoreticians, molecular biologists, population geneticists, system biologists, and philosophers – to bridge disciplinary boundaries and develop a unified understanding of this fundamental biological phenomenon. more
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