Algal Development and Evolution

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Coelho, S.; Umen, J.: Switching it up: algal insights into sexual transitions. Plant Reproduction 34 (4), pp. 287 - 296 (2021)
Journal Article
Vigneau, J.; Borg, M.: The epigenetic origin of life history transitions in plants and algae. Plant Reproduction 34 (4), pp. 267 - 285 (2021)
Journal Article
Hoshino, M.; Hiruta, S.; Croce, M.; Kamiya, M.; Jomori, T.; Wakimoto, T.; Kogame, K.: Geographical parthenogenesis in the brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Scytosiphonaceae): Sexuals in warm waters and parthenogens in cold waters. Molecular Ecology 30 (22), pp. 5814 - 5830 (2021)
Journal Article
Müller, D.; Gaschet, E.; Godfroy, O.; Gueno, J.; Cossard, G.; Kunert, M.; Peters, A.; Westermeier, R.; Boland, W.; Cock, J. et al.; Lipinska, A.; Coelho, S.: A partially sex-reversed giant kelp sheds light into the mechanisms of sexual differentiation in a UV sexual system. New Phytologist 232 (1), pp. 252 - 263 (2021)
Journal Article
Sato, Y.; Kinoshita, Y.; Mogamiya, M.; Inomata, E.; Hoshino, M.; Hiraoka, M.: Different Growth and Sporulation Responses to Temperature Gradient among Obligate Apomictic Strains of Ulva prolifera. Plants 10 (11), 2256 (2021)
Journal Article
Badis, Y.; Scornet, D.; Hiroda, M.; Caillard , C.; Godfroy, O.; Raphalen, M.; Gachon, C.; Coelho, S.; Motomura, T.; Nagasato, C. et al.; Cock, J.: Targeted CRISPR-Cas9-based gene knockouts in the model brown alga Ectocarpus. New Phytologist 231 (5), pp. 2077 - 2091 (2021)
Journal Article
Heesch, S.; Serrano-Serrano, M.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Luthringer, R.; Peters, A.; Destombe, C.; Cock, J.; Valero, M.; Roze, D.; Salamin, N. et al.; Coelho, S.: Evolution of life cycles and reproductive traits: Insights from the brown algae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34 (7), pp. 992 - 1009 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Lipinska, A.; Toda, N.; Godfroy, O.; Baudry, L.; Marbouty, M.; Koszul, R.; Heesch, S.; Nehr, Z.; Panaud, O.; Peters, A. et al.; Cock, J.; Coelho, S.: Sex chromosomes evolution: New insights from brown algae. In AlgaeEurope 2021, pp. 128 - 129. AlgaeEurope 2021, December 07, 2021 - October 10, 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Berger, J.; Koch, I.; Sailer, B.; Henschen, A.; Coelho, S.; Hipp, K.: Structural analyses of the brown algae Ectocarpus. In Microscopy Conference (MC 2021): Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, LS1.P011, p. 319. Microscopy Conference (MC 2021): Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Wien, Austria, August 22, 2021 - August 26, 2021. (2021)

Talk (2)

Coelho, S.: Switching It Up: Algal Insights into Sexual Transitions. MAdLand Annual Meeting and Workshop 2021, Herzogenhorn, Germany (2021)
Coelho, S.: Sex chromosomes and sex determination in the brown algae. 12th International Phycological Congress (IPC 2021), Puerto Varas, Chile (2021)
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