Publications of G Cossard

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Liesner, D.; Cossard, G.; Zheng, M.; Godfroy, O.; Barrera Redondo, J.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Developmental pathways underlying sexual differentiation in the U/V sex chromosome system of giant kelp. Developmental Cell Epub ahead (2025)
Journal Article
Hoshino, M.; Cossard, G.; Haas, F.; Kane, E.; Kogame, K.; Jomori, T.; Wakimoto, T.; Glemin, S.; Coelho, S.: Parallel loss of sexual reproduction in field populations of a brown alga sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the emergence of asexuality. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (10), pp. 1916 - 1932 (2024)
Journal Article
Lipinska, A.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Godfroy, O.; Dittami, S.; Ayres-Ostrock, L.; Bonthond, E.; Brillet-Guéguen, L.; Coelho, S.; Corre, E.; Cossard, G. et al.; Destombe, C.; Epperlein, P.; Faugeron, S.; Ficko-Blean, E.; Beltrán, J.; Lavaut, E.; Le Bars, A.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Michel, G.; Potin, P.; Scornet, D.; Sotka, E.; Weinberger, F.; Cabral de Oliveira, M.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Plastino, E.; Valero, M.: The Rhodoexplorer platform for red algal genomics and whole genome assemblies for several Gracilaria species. Genome Biology and Evolution 17 (7), evad124 (2023)
Journal Article
Cossard, G.; Godfroy, O.; Nehr, Z.; Cruaud, C.; Cock, J.; Lipinska, A.; Coelho, S.: Selection drives the evolution of convergent gene expression changes during transitions to co-sexuality in haploid sexual systems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (5), pp. 579 - 589 (2022)
Journal Article
Gueno, J.; Borg, M.; Bourdareau, S.; Cossard, G.; Godfroy, O.; Lipinska, A.; Tirichine, T.; Cock, J.; Coelho, S.: Chromatin landscape associated with sexual differentiation in a UV sex determination system. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (6), gkac145, pp. 3307 - 3322 (2022)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Liesner, D.; Cossard, G.; Zheng, M.; Godfroy, O.; Barrera Redondo, J.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Developmental pathways underlying sexual differentiation in a U/V sex chromosome system. In Botanik-Tagung 2024, S10 T1, p. 97. International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences: Botanik-Tagung 2024, Halle/Saale, Germany, September 15, 2024 - September 19, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lipinska, A.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Krueger, S.; Godfroy, O.; Ayres, L.; Mauger, S.; Scornet, D.; Marchi, F.; Lavaut, E. et al.; Destombe, C.; Plestino, E.; Oliveira, M.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Guillemin, M.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In European Journal of Phycology, 59 (Supplement 1), p. S101. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France, August 20, 2023 - August 26, 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lipinska, A.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Godfroy, O.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Oliveira, M. et al.; Ostrock, L.; Plastino, E.; Scornet, D.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), p. 3. 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), London, UK, January 04, 2023 - January 06, 2023. (2023)

Poster (2)

Hoshino, M.; Cossard, G.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Repeated evolution of asexuality in the brown alga Scytosiphon. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France (2024)
Lipinska, A.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Godfroy, O.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Oliveira, M. et al.; Ostrock, L.; Plastino, E.; Scornet, D.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2022), Praha, Czech Republic (2022)

Preprint (2)

Barrera-Redondo, J.; Lipinska, A.; Liu, P.; Dinatale, E.; Cossard, G.; Bogaert, K.; Hoshino, M.; Avia, K.; Leiria, G.; Avdievich, E. et al.; Liesner, D.; Luthringer, R.; Godfroy, O.; Heesch, S.; Nehr, Z.; Brillet-Guéguen, L.; Peters, A.; Hoarau, G.; Aury, J.-M.; Wincker, P.; Denoeud, F.; Cock, J.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Origin and evolutionary trajectories of brown algal sex chromosomes. (submitted)
Hoshino, M.; Cossard, G.; Haas, F.; Kane, E.; Kogame, K.; Jomori, T.; Wakimoto, T.; Coelho, S.: Parallel Loss of Sex in Field Populations of a Brown Alga Sheds Light on the Mechanics Underlying the Emergence of Asexuality. (submitted)
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