Publications of K Fritschi

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Wlodzimierz, P.; Rabanal, F.; Burns, R.; Naish, M.; Primetis, E.; Scott, A.; Mandáková, T.; Gorringe, N.; Tock, A.; Holland, D. et al.: Cycles of satellite and transposon evolution in Arabidopsis centromeres. Nature 618 (7965), pp. 557 - 565 (2023)
Journal Article
Rabanal, F.; Gräff, M.; Lanz, C.; Fritschi, K.; Llaca, V.; Lang, M.; Carbonell-Bejerano, P.; Henderson, I.; Weigel, D.: Pushing the limits of HiFi assemblies reveals centromere diversity between two Arabidopsis thaliana genomes. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 50 (21), gkac1115, pp. 12309 - 12327 (2022)

Poster (1)

Czech, L.; Peng, Y.; Spence, J.; Lang, P.; Bellagio, T.; Hildebrandt, J.; Fritschi, K.; Schwab, R.; Rowan, B.; Weigel, D. et al.: Efficient analysis of allele frequency variation from whole-genome pool-sequencing data. Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2022), Pacific Grove, CA, USA (2022)

Preprint (2)

The 1001 Genomes Plus Consortium; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Ashkenazy, H.; Baduel, P.; Bao, Z.; Becker, C.; Caillieux, E.; Colot, V.; Crosbie, D.; De Oliveira, L. et al.: The 1001G+ project: A curated collection of Arabidopsis thaliana long-read genome assemblies to advance plant research. (submitted)
Czech, L.; Peng, Y.; Spence, J.; Lang, P.; Bellagio, T.; Hildebrandt, J.; Fritschi, K.; Schwab, R.; Rowan, B.; GrENE-net consortium et al.: Monitoring rapid evolution of plant populations at scale with Pool-Sequencing. (submitted)