Publications of M Coles

Poster (6)

Coles, M.: If I only had an R! XXVIIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems: Frontier of magnetic resonance in biological systems, Dublin, Ireland (2018)
Korycinski, M.; Albrecht, R.; Ursinus, A.; Hartmann, M.; Coles, M.; Martin, J.; Dunin-Horkawicz, S.; Lupas, A.: STAC: A New Domain In Prokaryotic Transmembrane Signalling. 23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 14th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB ECCB 2015), Dublin, Ireland (2015)
Ammelburg, M.; Schiff, J.; Hartmann, M.; Martin, J.; Coles, M.; Lupas, A.: Insights into the evolution of β-propellers from a homohexameric twelve-bladed PCNA-analog. 26th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society, San Diego, CA, USA (2012)
Diercks, T.; Truffault, V.; Coles, M.; Millet, O.: Diagonal-free 3D/4D HN,HN-TROSY-NOESY-TROSY. Joint Euromar 2010 and 17 ISMAR Conference (WWMR 2010), Firenze, Italy (2010)

Preprint (1)

Boudrioua, A.; Joiner, J.; Grin, I.; Kronenberger, T.; Korotkov, V.; Steinchen, W.; Kohler, A.; Schminke, S.; Schulte, J.-C.; Pietsch, M. et al.; Naini, A.; Kalverkamp, S.; Hotop, S.-K.; Coyle, T.; Piselli, C.; Coles, M.; Rox, K.; Marscha, M.; Bange, G.; Flieger, A.; Poso, A.; Brönstrup, M.; Hartmann, M.; Wagner, S.: Discovery of a synthetic small molecule targeting the central regulator of Salmonella pathogenicity. (submitted)
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