Publications of C Piselli

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Piselli, C.: How to isolate channel-forming membrane proteins using the E. coli expression system. Nature Protocols 20 (2), pp. 462 - 479 (2025)
Journal Article
Jiang, R.; Nilam, M.; Piselli, C.; Winterhalter, M.; Guo, D.-S.; Yu, S.; Hennig, A.; Nau, W.: Vesicle-Encapsulated Chemosensing Ensembles Allow Monitoring of Transmembrane Uptake Coupled with Enzymatic Reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition Epub ahead, e202425157 (2025)
Journal Article
Acharya, A.; Ghai, I.; Piselli, C.; Prajapati , J.; Benz, R.; Winterhalter, M.; Kleinekathöfer, U.: Conformational dynamics of loop L3 in OmpF: implications toward antibiotic translocation and voltage gating. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63 (3), pp. 910 - 927 (2023)
Journal Article
Piselli, C.; Golla, V.; Benz, R.; Kleinekathöfer, U.: Importance of the lysine cluster in the translocation of anions through the pyrophosphate specific channel OprO. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1865 (2), 184086 (2023)

Poster (1)

Boudrioua , A.; Coyle, T.; Piselli, C.; Pitotti, G.; Pietsch, M.; Kronenberger, T.; Korotkov, V.; Maier, L.; Flieger, A.; Hartmann, M. et al.; Brönstrup, M.; Wagner, S.: An anti-virulence strategy to treat Salmonella infections: Development of lead compounds targeting the transcriptional regulator HilD. Gemeinsame DGI/DZIF-Tagung 2025, München, Germany (2025)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Piselli, C.: Universal protocol for the isolation of channel forming membrane proteins with the recombinant expression system of E. coli. (2023)

Preprint (1)

Boudrioua, A.; Joiner, J.; Grin, I.; Kronenberger, T.; Korotkov, V.; Steinchen, W.; Kohler, A.; Schminke, S.; Schulte, J.-C.; Pietsch, M. et al.; Naini, A.; Kalverkamp, S.; Hotop, S.-K.; Coyle, T.; Piselli, C.; Coles, M.; Rox, K.; Marscha, M.; Bange, G.; Flieger, A.; Poso, A.; Brönstrup, M.; Hartmann, M.; Wagner, S.: Discovery of a synthetic small molecule targeting the central regulator of Salmonella pathogenicity. (submitted)
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