Publications of M Bähr

Journal Article (30)

Journal Article
Herdegen, T.; Bastmeyer, M.; Bähr, M.; Stuermer, C.; Bravo, R.; Zimmermann, M.: Expression of JUN, KROX, and CREB transcription factors in goldfish and rat retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve lesion is related to axonal sprouting. Journal of Neurobiology 24 (4), pp. 528 - 543 (1993)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Wizenmann, A.; Thanos, S.: Effect of bilateral tectum lesions on retinal ganglion cell morphology in rats. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 320 (3), pp. 370 - 380 (1992)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Eschweiler, G.; Wolburg, H.: Precrushed sciatic nerve grafts enhance the survival and axonal regrowth of retinal ganglion cells in adult rats. Experimental Neurology 116 (1), pp. 13 - 22 (1992)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Eschweiler, G.: Regenerating adult rat retinal axons reconnect with target neurons in-vitro. NeuroReport 2 (10), pp. 581 - 584 (1991)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.: Adult rat retinal glia in vitro: effects of in vivo crush-activation on glia proliferation and permissiveness for regenerating retinal ganglion cell axons. Experimental Neurology 111 (1), pp. 65 - 73 (1991)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Hopkins, J.; Bunge, R.: In vitro myelination of regenerating adult rat retinal ganglion cell axons by Schwann cells. Glia 4 (5), pp. 529 - 533 (1991)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Schlosshauer, B.: JONES ganglioside expression on retinal glia increases after axotomy. Journal of Neurocytology 18 (4), pp. 553 - 563 (1989)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Vanselow, J.; Thanos, S.: Ability of adult rat ganglion cells to regrow axons in vitro can be influenced by fibroblast growth factor and gangliosides. Neuroscience Letters 96 (2), pp. 197 - 201 (1989)
Journal Article
Thanos, S.; Bähr, M.; Barde, Y.-A.; Vanselow, J.: Survival and Axonal Elongation of Adult Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells. European Journal of Neuroscience 1 (1), pp. 19 - 26 (1989)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Vanselow, J.; Thanos, S.: In vitro regeneration of adult rat ganglion cell axons from retinal explants. Experimental Brain Research 73 (2), pp. 393 - 401 (1988)

Meeting Abstract (12)

Meeting Abstract
Junier, M.; Legendre, P.; Esguerra, C.; Tinel, M.; Coulpier, M.; Dreyfus, P.; Bähr, M.: Identification of the mRNA transcripts expressed by the degenerating motoneurons of the Murine Mutant Wobpler. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23 (1), 215.3, p. 552. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1997), New Orleans, LA, USA, October 25, 1997 - October 30, 1997. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1997)
Meeting Abstract
Esguerra, C.; Guenther, E.; Cellerino, A.; Hoffmann, E.; Bähr, M.: Identification of growth-associated genes in rat retinal ganglion cells during regeneration and embryogenesis. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22 (1-3), 405.13, p. 1019. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1996), Washington, DC, USA, November 16, 1996 - November 21, 1996. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1996)
Meeting Abstract
Bähr, M.; Schwab, M.: Recognition of target-specific guidance information by rat retinal axon is not disturbed by application of IN-1 antibodies. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21 (1), 130.14, p. 310. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1995), San Diego, CA, USA, November 11, 1995 - November 16, 1995. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1995)
Meeting Abstract
Hüll, M.; Bähr, M.: Differential regulation of JUN expression in rat retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve transsection and during regeneration. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20 (1), 296.2, p. 697. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1994), Miami Beach, FL, USA, November 13, 1994 - November 18, 1994. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1994)
Meeting Abstract
Schaden, H.; Bähr, M.; Stuermer, C.: GAP-43 immunoreactivity and axonal regeneration of rat retinal ganglion cells. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20 (2), 607.7, p. 1475. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1994), Miami Beach, FL, USA, November 13, 1994 - November 18, 1994. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1994)
Meeting Abstract
Schaden, H.; Stecher, B.; Bähr, M.: Test for the re-expression of development ally regulated proteins by regenerating rat retinal axons in vitro. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19 (1), 282.8, p. 677. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1993), Washington, DC, USA, November 07, 1993 - November 12, 1993. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1993)
Meeting Abstract
Wizenmann, A.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Klostermann, S.; Bähr, M.: Deafferented target regions reexpress specific guidance information for regenerating retinal axons. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19 (2), 450.6, p. 1086. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1993), Washington, DC, USA, November 07, 1993 - November 12, 1993. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1993)
Meeting Abstract
Bähr, M.; Wizenmann, A.: Regenerating axons of the adult rat retina grow preferentially towards topographic appropriate target regions in vitro. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 18 (1), 105.16, p. 223. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1992), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 25, 1992 - October 30, 1992. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1992)
Meeting Abstract
Bähr, M.: Support or inhibition? Influences of glia on survival and axon growth. In First Syposium of the DFG-Schwerpunkt Function of Glial Cells, Topic: Regeneration, p. 30. First Syposium of the DFG-Schwerpunkt Function of Glial Cells, Topic: Regeneration, Heidelberg, Germany, May 07, 1992 - May 09, 1992. (1992)
Meeting Abstract
Bähr, M.; Eschweiler, G.; Wolburg, H.: Survival and axonal growth of retinal ganglion cells in adult rats is enhanced by the use of "conditioned" sciatic nerve graft. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 17 (2), 591.8, p. 1482. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1991), New Orleans, LA, USA, November 10, 1991 - November 15, 1991. (1991)
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