Publications of M Bastmeyer

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Lang, S.; von Philipsborn, A.; Bernard, A.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Bastmeyer, M.: Growth cone response to ephrin gradients produced by microfluidic networks. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390 (3), pp. 809 - 816 (2008)
Journal Article
von Philipsborn, A.; Lang, S.; Jiang, Z.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Bastmeyer, M.: Substrate-bound protein gradients for cell culture fabricated by microfluidic networks and microcontact printing. Science's STKE 2007 (414), pl6 (2007)
Journal Article
von Philipsborn, A.; Lang, S.; Bernard, A.; Loeschinger, J.; David, C.; Lehnert, D.; Bastmeyer, M.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Microcontact printing of axon guidance molecules for generation of graded patterns. Nature Protocols 1 (3), pp. 1322 - 1328 (2006)
Journal Article
von Philipsborn, A.; Lang, S.; Loeschinger, J.; Bernard, A.; David, C.; Lehnert, D.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Bastmeyer, M.: Growth cone navigation in substrate-bound ephrin gradients. Development 133 (13), pp. 2487 - 2495 (2006)
Journal Article
Bähr, M.; Przyrembel, C.; Bastmeyer, M.: Astrocytes from adult rat optic nerves are nonpermissive for regenerating retinal ganglion cell axons. Experimental Neurology 131 (2), pp. 211 - 220 (1995)
Journal Article
Bastmeyer, M.; Bähr, M.; Stuermer, C.: Fish optic nerve oligodendrocytes support axonal regeneration of fish and mammalian retinal ganglion cells. Glia 8 (1), pp. 1 - 11 (1993)
Journal Article
Herdegen, T.; Bastmeyer, M.; Bähr, M.; Stuermer, C.; Bravo, R.; Zimmermann, M.: Expression of JUN, KROX, and CREB transcription factors in goldfish and rat retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve lesion is related to axonal sprouting. Journal of Neurobiology 24 (4), pp. 528 - 543 (1993)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Bastmeyer, M.; Schlosshauer, B.; Stuermer, C.: Expression of NCAM antigen in the normal and regenerating goldfish retinotectal system. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 15 (1), 232.11, p. 574. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1989), Phoenix, AZ, USA, October 29, 1989 - November 03, 1989. (1989)
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