Plant Immunogenomics

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Cury, J.; Haudiquet, M.; Hernandez Trejo, V.; Mordret, E.; Hanouna, A.; Rotival, M.; Tesson, F.; Bonhomme, D.; Ofir, G.; Quintana-Murci, L. et al.; Benaroch, P.; Poirier, E.; Bernheim, A.: Conservation of antiviral systems across domains of life reveals immune genes in humans. Cell Host & Microbe 32 (9), pp. 1594 - 1607 (2024)
Journal Article
Garb, J.; Amitai, G.; Lu, A.; Ofir, G.; Brandis, A.; Mehlman, T.; Kranzusch, P.; Sorek, R.: The SARM1 TIR domain produces glycocyclic ADPR molecules as minor products. PLOS Genetics 19 (4), e0302251 (2024)
Journal Article
Tamulaitiene, G.; Sabonis, D.; Sasnauskas, G.; Ruksenaite, A.; Silanskas, A.; Avraham, C.; Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.; Zaremba, M.; Siksnys, V.: Activation of Thoeris antiviral system via SIR2 effector filament assembly. Nature 627 (8003), pp. 431 - 436 (2024)
Journal Article
Millman, A.; Melamed, S.; Leavitt, A.; Doron, S.; Bernheim, A.; Hör, J.; Garb, J.; Bechon, N.; Brandis, A.; Lopatina, A. et al.; Ofir, G.; Hochhauser, D.; Stokar-Avihail, A.; Tal, N.; Sharir, S.; Voichek, M.; Erez, Z.; Ferrer, J.; Dar, D.; Kacen, A.; Amitai, G.; Sorek, R.: An expanded arsenal of immune systems that protect bacteria from phages. Cell Host & Microbe 30 (11), pp. 1556 - 1569 (2022)
Journal Article
Ofir, G.; Herbst, E.; Baroz, M.; Cohen, D.; Millman, A.; Doron, S.; Tal, N.; Malheiro, D.; Malitsky, S.; Amitai, G. et al.; Sorek, R.: Antiviral activity of bacterial TIR domains via immune signalling molecules. Nature 600 (7887), pp. 116 - 200 (2021)
Journal Article
Bernheim, A.; Millman, A.; Ofir, G.; Meitav, G.; Avraham, C.; Shomar, H.; Rosenberg, M.; Tal, N.; Melamed, S.; Sorek, R.: Prokaryotic viperins produce diverse antiviral molecules. Nature 589 (7840), pp. 120 - 124 (2021)
Journal Article
Morehouse, B.; Govande, A.; Millman, A.; Keszei, A.; Lowey, B.; Ofir, G.; Shao, S.; Sorek, R.; Kranzusch, P.: STING cyclic dinucleotide sensing originated in bacteria. Nature 586 (7829), pp. 429 - 433 (2020)
Journal Article
Doron, S.; Melamed, S.; Ofir, G.; Leavitt, A.; Lopatina, A.; Keren, M.; Amitai, G.; Sorek, R.: Systematic discovery of antiphage defense systems in the microbial pangenome. Science 359 (6379), eaar4120 (2018)
Journal Article
Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.: Contemporary Phage Biology: From Classic Models to New Insights. Cell 172 (6), pp. 1260 - 1270 (2018)
Journal Article
Ofir, G.; Melamed, S.; Sberro , H.; Mukamel, Z.; Silverman, S.; Yaakov, G.; Doron, S.; Sorek, R.: DISARM is a widespread bacterial defence system with broad anti-phage activities. Nature Microbiology 3 (1), pp. 90 - 98 (2018)
Journal Article
Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.: Vesicles Spread Susceptibility to Phages. Cell 168 (1-2), pp. 13 - 15 (2017)
Journal Article
Goldfarb, T.; Sberro, H.; Weinstock, E.; Cohen, O.; Doron, S.; Charpak-Amikam, Y.; Afik, S.; Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.: BREX is a novel phage resistance system widespread in microbial genomes. The EMBO Journal 34 (2), pp. 169 - 183 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Sabonis, D.; Sasnauskas, G.; Ruksenaite, A.; Silanskas, A.; Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.; Zaremba, M.; Siksnys, V.; Tamulaitiene, G.: Structural and Functional Studies of Thoeris Antiphage Defense System. In 66th International Open Readings: Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences 2023: Annual Abstract Book 2023, p. 341 (Eds. Keršys, M.; Mickus, S.). 66th International Open Readings: Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences 2023 , Vilnius, Lithuania, March 18, 2023 - March 21, 2023. Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Aparicio-Maldonado, C.; Vlot, M.; Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.; Nobrega, F.; Brouns, S.: Molecular understanding of the DISARM phage defense system from Serratia. In EMBO Workshop: Viruses of Microbes 2018, 131, p. 114. EMBO Workshop: Viruses of Microbes 2018, Wroclaw, Poland, July 09, 2018 - July 13, 2018. (2018)

Talk (2)

Ofir, G.: Innovation and Conservation in Plant Immuno-Genomics. BioConnect Seminar: Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany (2025)
Ofir, G.: TIR domains produce immunological signaling molecules in bacteria and in plants. The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Science, Jerusalem, Israel (2021)

Poster (3)

Cury, J.; Mordret, E.; Hernandez Trejo, V.; Tesson, F.; Ofir, G.; Poirier, E.; Bernheim, A.: Conservation of antiviral systems across domains of life reveals novel immune mechanisms in humans. EMBO Workshop: Pathogen Immunity and Signaling, San Servolo, Italy (2024)
Ofir, G.: F-box proteins:- the second most diverse family of Arabidopsis genes. EMBO EMBL Symposium: Diversity of plants: from genomes to metabolism , Heidelberg, Germany (2024)
Ofir, G.; Renous, N.; Cohen, D.; Cahan, N.; Greenspan, H.: Improving retinal images segmentation using styleGAN image augmentation. SPIE Medical Imaging 2021, Online Only (2021)

Patent (1)

Sorek, R.; Ofir, G.; Amitai, G.; Melamed, S.; Doron, S.; Leavitt, A.: Genetic systems that defend against foreign dna and uses thereof. WO2018220616A2 (2018)
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