Plant Immunogenomics

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Cury, J.; Haudiquet, M.; Hernandez Trejo, V.; Mordret, E.; Hanouna, A.; Rotival, M.; Tesson, F.; Bonhomme, D.; Ofir, G.; Quintana-Murci, L. et al.; Benaroch, P.; Poirier, E.; Bernheim, A.: Conservation of antiviral systems across domains of life reveals immune genes in humans. Cell Host & Microbe 32 (9), pp. 1594 - 1607 (2024)
Journal Article
Garb, J.; Amitai, G.; Lu, A.; Ofir, G.; Brandis, A.; Mehlman, T.; Kranzusch, P.; Sorek, R.: The SARM1 TIR domain produces glycocyclic ADPR molecules as minor products. PLOS Genetics 19 (4), e0302251 (2024)
Journal Article
Tamulaitiene, G.; Sabonis, D.; Sasnauskas, G.; Ruksenaite, A.; Silanskas, A.; Avraham, C.; Ofir, G.; Sorek, R.; Zaremba, M.; Siksnys, V.: Activation of Thoeris antiviral system via SIR2 effector filament assembly. Nature 627 (8003), pp. 431 - 436 (2024)

Poster (2)

Cury, J.; Mordret, E.; Hernandez Trejo, V.; Tesson, F.; Ofir, G.; Poirier, E.; Bernheim, A.: Conservation of antiviral systems across domains of life reveals novel immune mechanisms in humans. EMBO Workshop: Pathogen Immunity and Signaling, San Servolo, Italy (2024)
Ofir, G.: F-box proteins:- the second most diverse family of Arabidopsis genes. EMBO EMBL Symposium: Diversity of plants: from genomes to metabolism , Heidelberg, Germany (2024)
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