Lars Angenent

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Casini, I.; McCubbin, T.; Esquivel-Elizondo, S.; Luque, G.; Evseeva, D.; Fink, C.; Beblawy, S.; Youngblut, N.; Aristilde, L.; Huson, D. et al.; Dräger, A.; Ley, R.; Marcellin, E.; Angenent, L.; Molitor, B.: An integrated systems-biology approach reveals differences in formate metabolism in the genus Methanothermobacter. iScience 26 (10), 108016 (2023)
Journal Article
Fink, C.; Martinez-Cano, G.; Shuster, J.; Panzera, A.; Rennhack, K.; Rohbohm, N.; Angenent, L.; Molitor, B.: The Targeted Deletion of Genes Responsible for Expression of the Mth60 Fimbriae Leads to Loss of Cell-Cell Connections in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus ΔH. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (7), e0057523 (2023)
Journal Article
Rohbohm, N.; Sun, T.; Blasco-Gómez, R.; Byrne, J.; Kappler, A.; Angenent, L.: Carbon oxidation with sacrificial anodes to inhibit O2 evolution in membrane-less bioelectrochemical systems for microbial electrosynthesis. EES Catalysis 1, pp. 972 - 986 (2023)
Journal Article
Pikaar, I.; Hülsen, T.; Angenent, L.: Editorial overview: The future of food biotechnology is microbial. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 80, 102889 (2023)
Journal Article
Schulz, S.; Molitor, B.; Angenent, L.: Acetate augmentation boosts the ethanol production rate and specificity by Clostridium ljungdahlii during gas fermentation with pure carbon monoxide. Bioresource Technology 369, 128387 (2023)

Poster (2)

Akinci, S.; Schöne, C.; Yoshida, H.; Angenent, L.; Rother, M.; Molitor, B.: Broadening the power-to-X platform: Conceptualizing a two-stage bioreactor system for bioindustrial syngas processing. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM 2023), Göttingen, Germany (2023)
Biehain, U.; Esquivel-Elizondo, S.; Sun, T.; Rohbohm, N.; Huson, D.; Ley, R.; Angenent, L.: Development of a bioelectrical system to uncouple and interrogate H2-syntrophic partners in the human gut microbiota. Cell Symposia: Infection Biology in the Age of the Microbiome, Paris, France (2023)
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