Publications of JP Kapfhammer

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Raper, J.; Kapfhammer, J.: The enrichment of a neuronal growth cone collapsing activity from embryonic chick brain. Neuron 4 (1), pp. 21 - 29 (1990)
Journal Article
Kapfhammer, J.; Raper, J.: Interactions between growth cones and neurites growing from different neural tissues in culture. The Journal of Neuroscience 7 (5), pp. 1595 - 1600 (1987)
Journal Article
Kapfhammer, J.; Raper, J.: Collapse of growth cone structure on contact with specific neurites in culture. The Journal of Neuroscience 7 (1), pp. 201 - 212 (1987)
Journal Article
Kapfhammer, J.; Grunewald, B.; Raper, J.: The selective inhibition of growth cone extension by specific neurites in culture. The Journal of Neuroscience 6 (9), pp. 2527 - 2534 (1986)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Raper, J.; Kapfhammer, J.: A growth cone collapsing activity from embryonic chick brain membranes. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 14 (1), 240.8, p. 596. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1988), Toronto, Canada, November 13, 1988 - November 18, 1988. (1988)
Meeting Abstract
Raper, J.; Kapfhammer, J.; Grunewald, E.: Contact mediated avoidance between specific pairs of growth cones and neurites in culture. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 11 (1), 57.7, p. 176. 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1985), Dallas, TX, USA, October 20, 1985 - October 25, 1985. (1985)
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