Publications of A Ruaud

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Ruaud, A.; Pfister, N.; Ley, R.; Youngblut, N.: Interpreting tree ensemble machine learning models with endoR. PLoS Computational Biology 18 (12), e1010714 (2022)
Journal Article
Welter, D.; Ruaud, A.; Henseler, Z.; De Jong, H.; van Coeverden de Groot, P.; Michaux, J.; Gormezano, L.; Waters, J.; Youngblut, N.; Ley, R.: Free-living psychrophilic bacteria of the genus Psychrobacter are descendants of pathobionts. mSystems (accepted)
Journal Article
Welter, D.; Ruaud, A.; Henseler, Z.; De Jong, H.; van Coeverden de Groot, P.; Michaux, J.; Gormezano, L.; Waters, J.; Youngblut, N.; Ley, R.: Free-Living, Psychrotrophic Bacteria of the Genus Psychrobacter Are Descendants of Pathobionts. mSystems 6 (2), e00258-21 (2021)
Journal Article
Faktorová, D.; Nisbet, R.; Fernández Robledo , J.; Casacuberta, E.; Sudek, L.; Allen, A.; Ares, M.; Balestreri, C.; Barbrook, A.; Beardslee, P. et al.: Publisher Correction: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods 17 (5), 551 (2020)
Journal Article
Faktorová, D.; Nisbet, R.; Fernández Robledo , J.; Casacuberta, E.; Sudek, L.; Allen, A.; Ares, M.; Balestreri, C.; Barbrook, A.; Beardslee, P. et al.: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods 17 (5), pp. 481 - 494 (2020)
Journal Article
Ruaud, A.; Esquivel-Elizondo, S.; de la Cuesta-Zuluaga, J.; Waters, J.; Angenent, L.; Youngblut, N.; Ley, R.: Syntrophy via Interspecies H2 Transfer between Christensenella and Methanobrevibacter Underlies Their Global Cooccurrence in the Human Gut. mBio 11 (1), e03235-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Poole, A.; Goodrich, J.; Youngblut, N.; Luque, G.; Ruaud, A.; Sutter, J.; Waters, J.; Shi, Q.; El-Hadidi, M.; Johnson, L. et al.: Human Salivary Amylase Gene Copy Number Impacts Oral and Gut Microbiomes. Cell Host & Microbe 25 (4), pp. 553 - 564 (2019)

Poster (4)

Fitzstevens, L.; Liu, X.; Ruaud, A.; Schmidt, V.; Mbong Ngwese, M.; Youngblut, N.; Rauch, J.; Suzuki, T.; Ha, N.; Arzamasov, A. et al.: Bifidobacteria compensate for genotype in lactose tolerance. 75th Mosbacher Kolloquium "The Microbiome - from Understanding to Modulation", Mosbach, Germany (2024)
Fitzstevens, L.; Liu, X.; Ruaud, A.; Schmidt, V.; Mbong, M.; Rauch, J.; Nguyen Thu, H.; Adegbite, B.; Zinsou, J.; Esen, M. et al.: Bifidobacteria confer microbiome-acquired lactose tolerance in genetically lactase-non persistent humansrts. 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Ruaud, A.; Pfister, N.; Ley, R.; Youngblut, N.: Enhancing the application of machine learning models to microbiome data with endoR. Cell Symposia: Infection Biology in the Age of the Microbiome, Paris, France (2023)
Ruaud, A.; Pfister, N.; Ley, R.; Youngblut, N.: Interpretation of Tree Ensemble Machine Learning Models with EndoR. World Microbe Forum 2021 (2021)