
Publications of M von Rechenberg

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Bertsche, U.; Kast, T.; Wolf, B.; Fraipont, C.; Aarsman, M.; Kannenberg, K.; von Rechenberg, M.; Nguyen-Distèch, M.; den Blaauwen, T.; Höltje, J.-V. et al.; Vollmer, W.: Interaction between two murein (peptidoglycan) synthases, PBP3 and PBP1B, in Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology 61 (3), pp. 675 - 690 (2006)
Journal Article
von Rechenberg, M.; Höltje, J.-V.: Two-step procedure for purification and separation of the essential penicillin-binding proteins PBP 1A and 1Bs of Escherichia coli. FEMS Microbiology Letters 189 (2), pp. 201 - 204 (2000)
Journal Article
Vollmer, W.; von Rechenberg, M.; Höltje, J.-V.: Demonstration of molecular interactions between the murein polymerase PBP1B, the lytic transglycosylase MltA, and the scaffolding protein MipA of Escherichia coli. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (10), pp. 6726 - 6734 (1999)
Journal Article
von Rechenberg, M.; Ursinus, A.; Höltje, J.-V.: Affinity chromatography as a means to study multienzyme complexes involved in murein synthesis. Microbial Drug Resistance 2 (1), pp. 155 - 157 (1996)
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