Publications of SA Fromm
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Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
53 (28), pp. 7354 - 7359 (2014)
In vitro reconstitution of a cellular phase-transition process that involves the mRNA decapping machinery. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 2.
Journal Article
52 (32), pp. 8312 - 8316 (2013)
The archaeal exosome: identification and quantification of site-specific motions that correlate with cap and RNA binding. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 3.
Journal Article
31 (2), pp. 279 - 290 (2012)
The structural basis of Edc3- and Scd6-mediated activation of the Dcp1:Dcp2 mRNA decapping complex. EMBO Journal Poster (1)
Structural basis for the multiple roles Edc3 plays in mRNA degradation. 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), Davos, Switzerland (2013)