Publications of H Geiger
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
12 (4), pp. 694 - 708 (2015)
A Floor-Plate Extracellular Protein-Protein Interaction Screen Identifies Draxin as a Secreted Netrin-1 Antagonist. Cell Reports 2.
Journal Article
135 (11), pp. 1935 - 1946 (2008)
The multidomain protein Brpf1 binds histones and is required for Hox gene expression and segmental identity. Development 3.
Journal Article
8, 11 (2007)
Large-scale mapping of mutations affecting zebrafish development. BMC Genomics 4.
Journal Article
23 (1), pp. 86 - 89 (1999)
A radiation hybrid map of the zebrafish genome. Nature Genetics