Publications of M Fauser
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
2 (5), e201900405 (2019)
HELZ directly interacts with CCR4-NOT and causes decay of bound mRNAs. Life science alliance 2.
Journal Article
35 (11), pp. 1186 - 1203 (2016)
miRISC and the CCR4-NOT complex silence mRNA targets independently of 43S ribosomal scanning. EMBO Journal 3.
Journal Article
44 (1), pp. 120 - 133 (2011)
GW182 proteins directly recruit cytoplasmic deadenylase complexes to miRNA targets. Molecular Cell 4.
Journal Article
15 (6), pp. 1067 - 1077 (2009)
A C-terminal silencing domain in GW182 is essential for miRNA function. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society 5.
Journal Article
15 (1), pp. 21 - 32 (2009)
Deadenylation is a widespread effect of miRNA regulation. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society 6.
Journal Article
14 (12), pp. 2609 - 2617 (2008)
SMG6 is the catalytic endonuclease that cleaves mRNAs containing nonsense codons in metazoan. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society Poster (1)
AGO1 requires interaction with GW182 to repress translation of miRNA targets. 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), Davos, Switzerland (2013)