Publications of Y-P Hsueh

Journal Article (36)

Journal Article
Tay, R.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Fungal effector disables cathepsin-driven Toll immunity in insects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 122 (8), e2500911122 (2025)
Journal Article
Cuo, C.-Y.; Tay, R.; Lin, H.-C.; Juan, S.-C.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Chang, Y.-C.; Hoki, J.; Schroeder, F.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: The nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora detects prey pheromones via G protein-coupled receptors. Nature Microbiology 9 (7), pp. 1738 - 1751 (2024)
Journal Article
Lin, H.-C.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Chen, S.-A.; Yang, C.-T.; Tay, R.; Iizuka, T.; Huang, T.-Y.; Cuo, C.-Y.; Gonçalves, A.; Lin, S.-Y. et al.; Chang, Y.-C.; Stajich, J.; Schwarz, E.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Key processes required for the different stages of fungal carnivory by a nematode-trapping fungus. PLOS Biology 21 (11), e3002400 (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, C.-H.; Chang, Y.-C.; Pon, W.-L.; Lee, S.-P.; Wali, N.; Nakazawa, T.; Honda, Y.; Shie, J.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: A carnivorous mushroom paralyzes and kills nematodes via a volatile ketone. Science Advances 9 (3), eade4809 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, S.-A.; Lin, H.-C.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: The cAMP-PKA pathway regulates prey sensing and trap morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12 (10), jkac217 (2022)
Journal Article
Tu, K.-W.; Chiu, M.-C.; Lin, W.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Lin, C.-C.; Chou, J.-Y.: Possible impacts of the predominant Bacillus bacteria on the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis s. l. in its infected ant cadavers. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 22695 (2021)
Journal Article
Tsai, C.-J.; Yang, F.-J.; Lee, C.-H.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Kuo, C.-J.; Chen, C.-S.: The conserved regulator of autophagy and innate immunity hlh-30/TFEB mediates tolerance of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 217 (1), pp. 1 - 17 (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, S.-A.; Lin, H.-C.; Schroeder, F.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Prey sensing and response in a nematode-trapping fungus is governed by the MAPK pheromone response pathway. Genetics 217 (2), iyaa008 (2021)
Journal Article
Huang, T.-Y.; Lee, Y.-Y.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Forward genetic screens identified mutants with defects in trap morphogenesis in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11 (2), jkaa022 (2021)
Journal Article
Lee, Y.-Y.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Schwarz, E.; Stajich, J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Genome sequence of the Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus strain PC9. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11 (2), jkaa008 (2021)
Journal Article
Lin, H.-C.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Laboratory Maintenance and Culturing of the Nematode-Trapping Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Current Protocols 1 (2), e41 (2021)
Journal Article
Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Lee, Y.-Y.; Stajich, J.; Schwarz, E.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Genomic analyses of two Italian oyster mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius strains. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11 (2), jkaa007 (2021)
Journal Article
Kuo, C.-Y.; Chen, S.-A.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: The High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) Pathway Functions in Osmosensing, Trap Morphogenesis and Conidiation of the Nematode-Trapping Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Journal of Fungi 6 (4), 191 (2020)
Journal Article
Kuo, T.-H.; Yang, C.-T.; Chang, H.-Y.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Hsu, C.-C.: Nematode-Trapping Fungi Produce Diverse Metabolites during Predator-Prey Interaction. Journal of Fungi 10 (3), 117 (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, C.-H.; Chang, H.-W.; Yang, C.-T.; Wali, N.; Shie, J.-J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Sensory cilia as the Achilles heel of nematodes when attacked by carnivorous mushrooms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (11), pp. 6014 - 6022 (2020)
Journal Article
Yang, C.-T.; Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Gonçalves, A.; Lin, H.-C.; Chang, C.-W.; Huang , T.-Y.; Chen, S.-A.; Lai, C.-K.; Tsai, I.; Schroeder, F. et al.; Stajich, J.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Natural diversity in the predatory behavior facilitates the establishment of a robust model strain for nematode-trapping fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (12), pp. 6762 - 6770 (2020)
Journal Article
Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Huang, T.-Y.; Chang, C.-W.; Lin, H.-C.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Fungal feature tracker (FFT): A tool for quantitatively characterizing the morphology and growth of filamentous fungi. PLOS Computational Biology 15 (10), e1007428 (2019)
Journal Article
Kanzaki, N.; Liang, W.-R.; Chiu, C.-I.; Yang, C.-T.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Li, H.-F.: Nematode-free agricultural system of a fungus-growing termite. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8917 (2019)
Journal Article
Li, C.-Y.; Lo, I.-W.; Hsueh, Y.-P.; Chung, Y.-M.; Wang, S.; Korinek, M.; Tsai, Y.-H.; Cheng, Y.-B.; Hwang, T.-L.; Chang, F.-R. et al.; Wu, Y.-C.: Epigenetic Manipulation Induces the Production of Coumarin-Type Secondary Metabolite from Arthrobotrys foliicola. Israel Journal of Chemistry 59 (5), pp. 432 - 438 (2019)
Journal Article
Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun, G.; Hsueh, Y.-P.: Predator-prey interactions of nematode-trapping fungi and nematodes: both sides of the coin. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102 (9), pp. 3939 - 3949 (2018)
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